Message from @Broo TulsiGang 2024 🇬🇧 🇺🇸
Discord ID: 451587818913792025
Oh btw
The trick is
It's a very open wording
oh damn
'extremist material online'
well they cannot mean muslims
they are a very peaceful people
ISIS is a bunch of right wingers from what i have heard
young Broo for watching a beheading video is still serving a 15 year sentence
who was beheading people
was it the Japanese i hear they like that sort of thing
I'd like to point out as AA does alot Amber is in The Conservative Party and she's a SJW
but they got rid of her
Trump > Trump > West > West
@nic get in vc faggot
That sounds like a lot of effort
your mom refusing sex is a lot of effort
At least his mom makes sex
Unlike you
animal fucker
eat dick
I guess you don't owe me a good ol New Zealand Railways WW Class 4-6-2T Atlantic High Pitched Boiler 3'6" Narrow Gauge MLS Superheated Steam Locomotive with Horizontal Waikato Spark arrestor and smokebox hoppers
First miiverse, now miitomo
When will the violence end