Message from @Achlys
Discord ID: 468419853078757388
tyt im so glad i never heard of u until i got on sargon's channel
Everything else seems fine. Its the 'pedo' part that is really out of place
sargon strawmaning a bit but it is hilarious
"Communism isn't hypothetical it just hasn't been tried yet"
See kids? This is what happens when you don't know what the words you're using mean
Its not a strawman if its hilarious
this guy is not the brightest in Sweden but his reactions are really good
does anyone know what this person is talking about?
would like to see a link
what the...
lol going further left is not gonna help the DNC
don't tell them that's what the republicans want
dude they are going to shoot their own feet and they will like it
well at this point they will lick up every drop of blood
never interrupt your opponent when he's making a mistake
what's with ppl having the hard on for Rand Paul
he's libertarian
wow, *no one* could have seen that coming
look the message this sends
@Achlys Do Marxist attitudes lead to whataboutism?
Also, I've never understood how ADVChina can post their videos regularly and have not been kicked out of China already
Isn't Youtube completely unavailable in mainland China?
If so, this seems like an "out of sight, out of mind" situation.