Message from @Achlys
Discord ID: 468870230278537256
Was fun watching Tim kinda-sorta going in to bat for her though
Isn't she a geopolitics major or something?
"I'm not familliar with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict lol"
I mean there are a lot of different geopolitical issues
It's not like this particular geopolitical issue is a minor one on the backburner though
```I can BEHAVE BADLY because YOUR COUNTRY sucks! - Flawed China logic
I can believe this, but I can also believe they behave badly in other countries because they know they can get away with it
Chinese tourists have been caught (or perhaps 'seen' would be a better word) shitting in the gardens at Sydney's Royal Botanic Garden, as but one example
Isn't China still communist?
Yes. Well Psuedo Communist. They had cities with 'Capitalist Passes', and they have a democratically voted 'senate'. But the PRC makes the final decision on anything passed by the 'Senate' so in the end it hardly matters.
should be a meme
'import fee'
No no. No one tariffs the us!
Only evil Capitalist US places tarrifs, so they can have trade wars!
but all crickets on far left and other contents? or was that in the report and just minimized here
probably not even mentioned
i love to see people complain about things that are working fine
So basically they want to set Trump up. Because holding the deportation just means the child will be detained with the family, as well make the 20 day law activate again.
*Seperation is the issue* Deporting families doesnt seperate them
Im getting tired of judges legeslating from the bench
I'm tired of the stupidity not peaking
Louis Theroux also highlighted just how bad things are in South Africa
pretty much just by... walking around
can't wait for them to break