Message from @Reaps

Discord ID: 452593388613664768

2018-06-02 18:03:30 UTC  

Someone posted this on Sargon's reddit

2018-06-02 18:03:38 UTC  

Going "Steven Crowder was censored!"

2018-06-02 18:03:44 UTC  

Oh right, I know that name

2018-06-02 18:03:47 UTC  

Dude's a fucktard

2018-06-02 20:45:41 UTC  

Steven Crowder?

2018-06-02 20:50:14 UTC  


2018-06-02 20:50:22 UTC  

because it *isn't* Steven Crowder

2018-06-02 20:50:30 UTC  

and lolsargonfagsareallthesameandreallystupid

2018-06-02 20:51:35 UTC  

this dude

2018-06-02 20:51:41 UTC  


2018-06-02 21:54:12 UTC  

huh, go figure

2018-06-02 21:54:17 UTC  

from nine months ago

2018-06-02 21:54:33 UTC  

Less than 30 seconds in

2018-06-02 21:54:39 UTC  

```it's just word salad```

2018-06-02 21:58:58 UTC  

Word salads are interesting literally IMO

2018-06-02 21:59:18 UTC  

the skill of saying a lot of words that fundimentally mean nothing but sound important

2018-06-02 22:03:16 UTC  

It's fun, I'll give it that.

2018-06-02 22:03:50 UTC  

Has anyone ever been far even as decided to go wish more for like?

2018-06-02 22:04:53 UTC  

But the real question is not wether the left is wrong, it's wether or not we as a society are able to look past our inherent biases towards all peoples, yourself included, and move towards a better tomorrow. If we can substantiate that into a coherent dialogue, there is no doubt that we can move forward from hate.

2018-06-02 22:05:11 UTC  

I love/hate people who can do that^

2018-06-02 22:05:20 UTC  

take a question, respond with a question, and deflect without blinking

2018-06-02 22:05:26 UTC  

takes practice to do that smoothly

2018-06-02 22:06:01 UTC  

My personal favourite

2018-06-02 22:06:05 UTC  

Is to take it super-serious

2018-06-02 22:06:11 UTC  

And then gradually start flubbing words

2018-06-02 22:06:46 UTC  

Example, if you have one?

2018-06-02 22:07:09 UTC  

```Am I to interpret that you are indeed implyyyyyyyyy-ing that I might glean some educational value from this sixteen-minute video interview? I don't think you've yet quite come to understaaaAAaaAAAand the fabric within which the white man has weaved his cycle of oppression for so many centuries, thus in fact it is you who needs to learn about shortcomings, my esteemed individual.

I invite you to come stand next to me within a building of religious practioning designed with the darker-melanin-inclined in mind so you might understandublate the inherent biasnessness of your original statement and, perhaps, perhaps , reflectamise upon that which you said in the beginning, for I am Eric Dyson. ```

2018-06-02 22:07:40 UTC  

you mean like when Trump accidentally says "the people of Nambia" when no such place exists?

2018-06-02 22:08:50 UTC  

`understandublate `

`biasnessness `

`reflectamise `

<:high_iq:382980759012638731> <:high_iq:382980759012638731> <:high_iq:382980759012638731>

2018-06-02 22:08:54 UTC  

ah yes

2018-06-02 22:08:56 UTC  


2018-06-02 22:09:26 UTC  

DAE get headaches when Trump denies saying a thing that he's on vidoe record saying

2018-06-02 22:50:02 UTC  

Does anyone have any particularly good source material on the Scandinaian Socialism debate? I'm finding a lot of people talking about it and making arguments but nothing which is as empirically based as I'd like it to be.

No source it's just they have much lower population and conditions regarding weather etc

Any thoughts on the HighToryGang ? πŸ˜‚

2018-06-03 00:17:27 UTC  

Social programs in Scandinavian countries are possible because they reap profits from capitalist investments.

2018-06-03 00:21:54 UTC  

Norway puts all their oil money into an investment fund, that invests into foreign economies, and withdraws up to 4% per year, to cover the social program costs.