Message from @blackhat 16
Discord ID: 306112825124716544
If we can secure the walkway in front of your house we ought to be ok
I think we should get there at 6:30 and secure the sidewalks across the street tbh
How many people so far have committed to coming? Any apb or af?
Me, Chad, probably Jake... I just called Clint and he sounds like a yes
Are you guys going to mask up?
I'll establish a perimeter several feet within my property line, so if you want to stand between the sidewalk and the perimeter tape that is an option.
Based ball bats?
I have 3 extra pair of safety glasses from shooting. Would not stop all mace but 90%
If you guys want to stand inside the perimeter it's ok with me, but be advised that you thereby will likely become guilty be association for any defensive action I take
I still say we take the ground on the parking lot side. Clint is talking open carry w ARs
I plan to stay hidden deep within the perimeter
Open carry would be a good deterrent. You guys call it. We could do no guns and brawl it out, or open carry and keep it peaceful.
Some of us would have to do no guns for legal reasons, there are two ARs I can donate to the cause for those who can
Personally I kind of like the idea of them attacking us and us defending ourselves ferociously.
But I enjoy fighting and pain. I know most do not.
The ground on the parking lot side leaves them the entire park to gather/surround. May not be ideal position. On Jimmy's side they could not surround us. They would be relegated to skreiking from across the street.
They may throw rocks so we should have rocks of our own.
If they do throw rocks we should rush them and beat their asses. No mercy. Total kreig
Then maybe we take the park; forces them to be afraid of a retaliation from the rear while they attempt to focus on Jimmy's house
I only have a .22 but ill carry that or anything else if that's the plan
Otherwise, I say with enough people we take jimmies sidewalk and the parking lot, depending on how packed it is
.22 gets the job done despite what most "internet experts" say. Most people killed by firearms are by .22. So don't take it lightly. It's not a pellet gun.
Its more long range though. That's all
Its for sharpshooting
So it'll look awkward. That's all
Its a LR with a rather large scope
Yes, if we have 5 guys we probably can't take the park. If we have a few more we can. We can always start out at park and then adapt as things develop.
So is it open carry then?
Well, we can. If he brings those ARs, I guess that's the plan.
I always keep my gear on me so if the ARs go to people ill get my rifle out too
The ARs will have to be picked up in Roseburg on the way up. I gave Clint your number so y'all can carpool/coordinate
Open carry it is. I'll be armed
Good! Hes coming? Ill grab them on the way up
Also have a mini 14 to contribute
Everyone should dress in button ups tucked in with black pants/shoes. Look nice, optics.
I don't have any button ups in my gear yet but ill do my best to adapt what I have
Just look presentable. Contrast their degeneracy.
Anything is more presentable than that rag tag bunch of unwashed degenerates