Message from @Broo TulsiGang 2024 πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Discord ID: 457718675617742851

2018-06-17 00:42:35 UTC  

What the hell *review* did they earn in 2 losses?

muh fees fees

2018-06-17 00:44:07 UTC  

Broo has fee fees

2018-06-17 00:44:09 UTC  


Split in 3 votes. Gunna be trouble

2018-06-17 00:48:23 UTC  

Welp. Along with freedom, there goes brit democracy. If a vote can be so easily turned over by one party.

2018-06-17 00:49:36 UTC  

If the UK wants, Murica can bring it freedom.

Broo requests 3 Carrier Groups to park themselves in the English Channel

2018-06-17 00:52:09 UTC  

Will do, if you sign over N Ireland and wales.

2018-06-17 00:52:42 UTC  

Freedom isnt Free after all.


Art of the Deal

2018-06-17 01:14:17 UTC  


2018-06-17 01:14:37 UTC  

we just have one tiny road bump.

2018-06-17 01:15:08 UTC

2018-06-17 01:15:22 UTC  

Da Fuhrur

2018-06-17 01:17:28 UTC  

Oy vey

Sorry but I used to live in Greece and Tax evasion is a national sport.

I would kindly not like to be in the same currency as them.

and that was before Merkel flooded them with Refugees

2018-06-17 03:01:12 UTC  

You dont share ths currency but you xant seem to leave her control

2018-06-17 03:01:44 UTC  

UK is like the elves or dwarves. Didnt just fall to the corruption but were slowly tainted by it.

2018-06-17 03:54:35 UTC  

@Broo TulsiGang 2024 πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Sorry do you know how the Euro works?

2018-06-17 03:54:59 UTC  

i fail to see how tax evasion affects the use of the Euro in Spain or France

2018-06-17 03:55:35 UTC  

Also its a bold claim to say that Merkel flooded greece with refugees, mind expanding on it?

2018-06-17 06:40:35 UTC  

They enter through Italy and Greece. EU law says that the immigrants can only be deported to the country of entry, not all the way to their original shithole.

2018-06-17 06:41:48 UTC  

That's why France was angry at Italy, because they stopped registering their arrivals, so they couldn't be deported back to Italy when they innevitably commit crimes.

2018-06-17 08:41:15 UTC

2018-06-17 08:41:46 UTC  

HRE intensifies

2018-06-17 08:46:56 UTC  

Hmm.. looks a bit like a wall, don' it?

Sure I'll bite. If you pay your taxes. Why would you want to be in a currency with a country (that a lot people visit for holiday) and they see people not paying taxes?

Greece only exists cus Germany keeps bailing them out

There were more Porsche Cayennes in Greece than people that on record could afford one. (that's just one luxury car, not even the brand, the car)

I know who I'd vote for