Message from @Jimmy Marr
Discord ID: 307883909377425408
I cannot go. It's our monthly APB meeting followed by an AF kameraden's bachelor party... sorry my dude 😦
the illegals and jobless leeches are also holding a rally on monday
No human is illegal goy. It's 2017
@cos/sin-WA dat goy and I will be there tomorrow. What is the word on opposition? Are they organizing as well?
Violence man
Threats extend to family's
@Australopithecus Jordan but mostleikley nothing will come of it but a nice walk. We are coming out in force.
Alrighty so there is Vestal elementary school close to the park and meet up I'm gonna be there at 920 then move to meet with other guys at the listed meet up sight. If you want to walk with us all are welcome.
Will probably be meeting at the park. We will be there a little closer to 10. I looked it up on google. It should be relatively easy to find you guys.
Ya I have a pretty cool hard hat
I saw that, will look for the RWSS
There's a good chance if I were to go up there and play my pipes it would trigger the dog shit out of any antifa in the area.
Yes yes it would
The cops and normies probably wouldn't even know wtf was going on.
So, antifa would look totally stupid if they overacted.
They always do
If I go up there, I'll bring your folding chair.
Haha I totally forgot about that
I posted some things in supplies that may be pertinent for tomorrow. Things you can get at K-Mart, which is open late.
Great sign, 1488. I've decided not to go to Portland today. I wish all of you the perfect opportunity to get your point across.
ZOG agents made us ditch the signs
because wood
on the bright side, splinters will be less of an issue.
But pvc was fine????????
and a 10' metal pole
and yet, this, just last week:
probably afraid you fellas might kill some vampires.
Right wingers don't get to have their words seen. Cool it with the jew naming goy.
KEK is a religion of peace!
heh, nice.
From Pikeville, KY
We've got a Seattle BC guy there now. Says lots of media on-site.
Those guys know how to do a rally!
Update: after doing a review of guy who was trying to provoke me at the last rally I am 100% sure he was a FED. They were anticipating me and us being there. They are monitoring us. He said he would wrap me up...lingo for add to my wrap sheet. He also acted like he knew all about me. He said his grandfather fought in the battle of bulge AND his grandparents were gassed in Auschowitz (trademark). When he couldn't get me upset he then tried to get the Trump people to fight me. There is no way he recognized me from the articles with my helmet and glasses on. He also claimed I am in American Front. He was a plant. Know this moving forward. They are watching.