Message from @franti

Discord ID: 463084629205712916

2018-07-01 11:11:18 UTC  

Please, please no

2018-07-01 11:33:56 UTC  

oh god...

2018-07-01 11:38:41 UTC  

@Ruggwain Soon it will go the MTG way, just wait

2018-07-01 12:52:53 UTC  

I play on ygopro only honestly

2018-07-01 14:26:02 UTC  

@franti pleaaaaaaase nooooooooooooooo

2018-07-01 17:15:59 UTC  

Get fucked roach

2018-07-01 17:45:46 UTC  

@Deleted User did you ever find those additional sources for me?

2018-07-01 17:46:25 UTC  

i cant find anything concerning the death penalty for gaddafi's libya

2018-07-01 17:46:35 UTC  

let alone him suggesting libya abolish it

2018-07-01 17:46:44 UTC  

but i did find that its illegal to overthrow the government

2018-07-01 17:46:48 UTC  

which is punishable by death

2018-07-01 17:47:07 UTC  

(the case in most countries)

2018-07-01 20:42:46 UTC

2018-07-01 20:43:08 UTC  


2018-07-01 20:51:31 UTC  

really makes you <:thronk:441701565607444482>

2018-07-01 20:51:45 UTC  

It really does

2018-07-01 20:51:49 UTC  


2018-07-01 20:52:04 UTC  

that should get the gold medel 🏅 for mental gymnastics

2018-07-01 20:52:38 UTC  

I'm surprised they weren't like, "Banning illegals doesn't make illegals go away."

2018-07-01 20:52:59 UTC  

That would require wit on their part

2018-07-01 20:56:04 UTC  

@Mitikozuki outlawing murder doesn't make it go away

2018-07-01 20:56:17 UTC  

ayyy. You right.

2018-07-01 21:38:54 UTC  

A Harvard Harris poll (full pdf below) shows most americans agree with President Trump’s immigration policies. 1,448 polled voters. [Poll ideology: Democrat 37%, Republican 32%, Independent 29%]

An overwhelming majority of American registered voters, 70 percent, support tougher immigration enforcement to include a border wall (60% support), deportation (64% support), and repatriation of all illegal border crossers including families with Children (61% support). Additionally 69% of voters do not support the position of disbanding I.C.E.

♦ Page #67 – Do you think current border security is adequate or inadequate? 61% Inadequate / 39% Adequate

♦ Page #69 – Do you support or oppose building a combination of physical and electronic barriers across the U.S.-Mexico border? 60% Support / 40% Oppose

♦ Page #72 – Do you think that the Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers, known as ICE, should be disbanded or not? 31% Disbanded / 69% Not Disbanded
♦ Page #68 – Do you think we should have basically open borders or do you think we need secure borders? 76% Secure / 24% Open

♦ Page #73 – Do you think we need stricter or looser enforcement of our immigration laws? 70% Stricter / 30% Looser

♦ Page #74 – Do you think that people who make it across our border illegally should be allowed to stay in the country or sent home? 64% Sent Home / 36% Stay Here

2018-07-01 21:39:05 UTC  

♦ Page #75 – Do you think that parents with children who make it across our border illegally should be allowed to stay in the country or sent home? 61% Sent Home / 39% Stay Here

♦ Page #78 – Do you think that people who illegally cross into the country should be allowed into the country and given a ticket to see a judge in the future or held in custody until a judge reviews their case? 55% Held in Custody / 45% Given Ticket

♦ Page #89 – Should cities that arrest illegal immigrants for crimes be required notify immigration authorities they are in custody or be prohibited from notifying immigration authorities? 84% Require to Notify / 16% Not Required

2018-07-01 21:57:47 UTC  

"some connected to the hard right"

2018-07-01 21:58:09 UTC  

😉 I'll give you my hard right.

2018-07-01 22:18:43 UTC  


2018-07-01 22:19:14 UTC  

It's a slang term for punching with your right fist.

2018-07-01 22:19:18 UTC  
2018-07-01 22:19:28 UTC  


2018-07-01 22:19:40 UTC  

@Mitikozuki thank you for enlightening me

2018-07-01 22:19:48 UTC  

No problem. 👍

2018-07-01 22:47:39 UTC  


2018-07-01 22:47:44 UTC  

About that reddit thing

2018-07-01 22:48:21 UTC  

It's physically impossible to take away abortions because all you need is a fist and a pregnant belly which are two things you can't really remove

2018-07-01 22:48:53 UTC  

And I doubt you can realistically remove all guns but at least it's possible

2018-07-01 22:49:16 UTC  

So it's only 95% stupid instead of 100% <:GWcfcThonk:357907199928041473>

2018-07-01 23:01:53 UTC  

20% of the time, it works EVERY TIME

2018-07-01 23:44:01 UTC  

so real question, is the US in as bad a state as the UK?

2018-07-01 23:44:41 UTC  

r/politics, where eugenics is cool