Message from @Wehrmacht
Discord ID: 305382150893469707
No biggie
Just like the oldschool tie tuck
Fashy af
Screams 1930s nationalist
Fun dogwhistle. But its not the 30s so I get it
A nice button up tucked in does the job. We will look like perfect gentlemen.
We need to be practical
Chad's look was on point
I hate not being able to put Twitter handles to people
Jimmy is always on point lmao
The past is good for learning. We must seek to become even greater than any previous generation. Idealistic maximum. I am Chad.
I'm with Chad on the tie, but don't let that stop you
No, you're both right
In heavily influenced by the NRM
Plaid Nationalism is always a good look. We would do solid colors for group activism. Hard to get everyone with the same plaid pattern.
A bunch of lumberjack looking men would be aesthetically good though LOL
With the urban attire, thoughts on White armbands? Someone other than me mentioned it too I think
would be a good meme if we get 10+ of us together
Yeah we'd need a good number of us
Its mirrors so its on my left arm
oy vey, a natzee!
Most of us probably already have a grey button up and black pants and shoes, also why I like that idea.
Exactly. Simple.
Do we really want to show our faces to leftist wannabe terrorists?
I mean, to what extent?
dang did not show up. anyways, ultimate warrior did the arm bands right LOL
Showing your face means you are right and you are the good guys.
Want stop (((the media))) from putting your face all over the news as a nazi
Example: my job hunt has been extraneous
Someone last week said "hired!"
If you feel the need to cover your face that is a personal choice. Not to be condemned.
Never responded to me. 3 guesses why
Gay. Lesbian. Tranny. Lol
Social media search my name and Nazi comes up