Message from @Fitzydog

Discord ID: 541406186738679828

so you could say I'm pro Immigration

2019-02-02 18:05:53 UTC  

You can't be for a well fair state like the nhs and open borders at the same time

2019-02-02 18:14:33 UTC  

You can, if you're retarded <:pepe_smug:378719408341909506>

2019-02-02 18:18:09 UTC  

`You can, if you're swedish`
fixed that for you

2019-02-02 18:21:07 UTC  

You can, if you're Germany*

2019-02-02 18:26:24 UTC  

in which case, you're not paying for it, your vassal states are <:pepe_smug:378719408341909506>

2019-02-02 18:27:39 UTC  

You can be a communist state as well. It is all fine until you run out of other people money

2019-02-02 18:29:42 UTC  

Unless you realize only 4 of your vassel states are net contributers. And you're about to lose one of those, causing another to no longer be a net contributer, and another is in constant turmoil and might become no longer a net contributer.

bae πŸ’™

2019-02-02 20:30:06 UTC  

I would put it in her pooper. Even though shes a leaf.

She's legit carrying my baby

and you are


<:makes_you_think:382980749780844554> <:ohsargon:451135765368274954>

2019-02-02 23:55:06 UTC  

Yeah, let's feed the anti-vaxers more fuel

2019-02-03 00:17:42 UTC  

AOC is the perfect example of lights on but nobody is home

2019-02-03 00:18:36 UTC  

There's nothing that stops anti-vaxers better, than the government forcibly taking children from their parents

2019-02-03 00:18:55 UTC  


2019-02-03 00:20:44 UTC  

I say kid coffins brochures do help a lot. fire truck red is always a hit

2019-02-03 00:32:29 UTC  

@Fitzydog what stops anti-vaxxers is their child contracting the disease and as their child slowly and painfully die from their idiocy, the disease mutates and infects the stupid parents too

2019-02-03 00:33:30 UTC  

That's the idea, yeah

2019-02-03 00:33:52 UTC  

But the ones around here (Yes, the ones we're all talking about) had their own community

2019-02-03 00:34:18 UTC  

quarantine them and let them die

2019-02-03 00:34:27 UTC  

It's just going to force them to not trust the gov't even more (Which everyone should, tbh...)

2019-02-03 00:34:34 UTC  

hell, experiment on them

2019-02-03 00:49:29 UTC  

had to look up. in Norway it not illegal to refuse to vaccinate your kid but it will be reported to CPS as it a sign of that you are not fit to take care of a child

2019-02-03 00:50:53 UTC  

So it's illegal

2019-02-03 00:51:41 UTC  

the act it self is not. but it a huge negative in CPS eyes so they will come and have a look and a talk with you

2019-02-03 00:51:55 UTC  

Same same

2019-02-03 01:04:03 UTC  

The disease mutates in the unvaccinated and then infects everyone

2019-02-03 01:04:06 UTC  
