Message from @ITS HE-MA'AM

Discord ID: 548631099685994496

2019-02-22 17:55:16 UTC  

she should be shunned and made to feel like a fool

2019-02-22 17:57:24 UTC  

in a rational society this video should be used to impugn her character, professionally, as someone asking the public to pay for her mistakes and poor judgement is not the kind of "professional" that you'd want to employ

2019-02-22 18:06:31 UTC  

what a dumb cunt

2019-02-22 18:11:29 UTC  

@Nordhand understandibly that the UK prisons system may have problems, and that there are cases of people being fanaticised in prison. However, the alternative is to have a known member of ISIS roaming free on the streets.

2019-02-22 18:12:16 UTC  

if they are known members of ISIS that would otherwise be on the streets then why are they not treated as enemy combatants ?

2019-02-22 18:15:46 UTC  

Which they are, and if they enter UK or any other Western territory are arrested or killed if they resist

2019-02-22 19:35:46 UTC  

always trust sites that disable comments

2019-02-22 19:38:03 UTC  

I would love to see Trump steamroll over Romney in a primary "challenge"

2019-02-22 19:38:23 UTC  

I would love to see Romney's character impugned beyond repair

2019-02-22 19:41:23 UTC  

let's dredge up all of the shit he did at Bain, all of the job transfers he did to other countries as a globalist shill

2019-02-22 20:21:52 UTC  

@Capitรกn Alatriste we do not kill terrorists unless they pose lethal threat to others

2019-02-22 20:22:36 UTC  

We try to apprehend them, so they can be tried for their abhorrent crimes, and be punished.

2019-02-22 20:23:20 UTC  

They usually try to kill the police though...

2019-02-22 20:24:06 UTC  

We truly hate them but we hve more faith in our system than we do hate.

2019-02-22 20:28:23 UTC  

Though I believe the punishment should be a firing squad, which is the most humane method of execution possible. They should die because they are basically impossible to rehabilitate, making them permanent threats to large swatges of society.

2019-02-22 22:24:07 UTC It seems miss cherokee pocachontas has lost the progressive vote

2019-02-22 22:26:27 UTC  

well warren will lose bigly if she tries to play identity politics

2019-02-22 22:27:16 UTC  

I rather chose the white BC lover Corrupt harris than miss dna test fail

2019-02-22 22:54:31 UTC  
2019-02-23 01:01:44 UTC

2019-02-23 01:01:48 UTC  


2019-02-23 06:53:22 UTC
Why go to church when you can go to "happy Sunday" instead?

2019-02-23 06:54:08 UTC  
2019-02-23 06:55:00 UTC  
2019-02-23 09:53:21 UTC  

Why is the bitch soo white ?

2019-02-23 09:53:39 UTC  

She aint getting brighter with a brighter skin, just look and nancy pelosi

Why is Beto so white? ๐Ÿคฃ