Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 513138118061326336

2018-11-16 19:17:19 UTC  

I expect this to be fully overturned by a much more qualified judge.

Let them dig <:covfefe:440543908846632980> <:pepe_smug:378719408341909506>

2018-11-16 19:22:37 UTC  

what's happening with julian assange btw

2018-11-16 19:22:46 UTC  

and why hasn't trump pardoned him yet

2018-11-16 19:24:41 UTC  

@meratrix it was a temperary injuction based on quasi 5th admendment. Basically its the way the judge can recuse himself without actual recusal. As it stands for like 12 days until a higher judge rules

2018-11-16 19:24:59 UTC  

But he flat out said 1st amendment doesnt apply

2018-11-16 19:25:19 UTC  

So anyone reporting as if it's in favor of CNN is full of shit.

2018-11-16 19:25:21 UTC  

good to know

2018-11-16 19:27:19 UTC  

Tbh smartest thing the judge could do as he was appointed by trump. If he fully ruled for trump, media would have pushed the dems to get rid of him, and said trump is tyrannically owning the judiciary. If he rulled fully for the media then they would report that people are abandoning trump. This is middle ground ruling to allow a higher court to rule on the basis acosta wasnt warned his actions would have him ban. So trump is using it to make a tos

2018-11-16 19:28:20 UTC  

Ok, that's actually pretty good. Also, wasn't he warned multiple times about his behavior?

2018-11-16 19:28:56 UTC  

Basically codifying reagens rules that they have to sign to get a pass.

Not that im aware of before this event

2018-11-16 19:29:17 UTC  

Not officially. Beyond what any reporter tends to

2018-11-16 19:30:36 UTC  

Long range art doesnt violate his nuke talks sadly

2018-11-16 19:30:47 UTC  

We werent pushing for full demilitarization

2018-11-16 19:33:03 UTC  

as long as the us dont pull out the troops from south korea

2018-11-16 19:33:17 UTC  

north korea would never invade south korea

2018-11-16 19:33:59 UTC  

communists dont like to do hard works for meager rewards

2018-11-16 19:34:23 UTC  

they rather lie and cheat their ways to the top

2018-11-16 23:47:43 UTC  


2018-11-16 23:47:45 UTC  


2018-11-16 23:48:39 UTC  

dismemberment? <:GWseremePeepoThink:402867838580293643>

2018-11-16 23:48:42 UTC  

so basically gore

2018-11-16 23:57:29 UTC  

OOF the one dude with the fucking chainsaw

2018-11-16 23:58:11 UTC  

Inb4 declaration of war on the saudis

2018-11-17 00:08:13 UTC  

Yep go to war over a saudi citizen killed by saudis on saudi land.

2018-11-17 00:14:15 UTC  

This is why it's stupid for America to get involved in international politics

2018-11-17 00:15:52 UTC  

Its not even international politics. The only reason it had anything in American Media was to be a way to "Get Trump". It continued the "Trump hates Media" narrative if he didn't react, and was the perfect timing before the mid terms. Notice, mid terms over media isn't saying shit on it. That and Acosta was a better avenue.

2018-11-17 00:16:35 UTC  

Trump handled it the best. "We will wait for what investigators say," and just road it out until it died.

2018-11-17 00:18:08 UTC  

Yeah, but then that thing about him trying to bribe the Turkish to stay quiet was leaked

2018-11-17 00:32:06 UTC  

"When the White House first floated the idea of extraditing Gulen, career officials at top federal agencies thought it was a joke but became "furious" when they learned it was a serious request, according to NBC News."

"This is the Trump administration seeking to barter away a US resident who has lived here legally for years," Price told INSIDER.

Diplomatic, immigration, and law-enforcement officials during the Obama administration determined that Turkey's case for Gulen's extradition did not meet the required threshold.

2018-11-17 00:33:06 UTC  

So trump wasn't the only one to think about the extradition. And if we have an extradition policy with Turkey. The case could be made. I just find it funny all of this is cited from ex-Obama personell and via other news outlets.

2018-11-17 00:38:43 UTC  

Green Card Holders arn't citizens, so that article is already disingenuous. They can be extradited to their country of origin, hell even have their green card revoked and deported for just being arrested, not even convicted.

"When a lawful permanent resident (green card holder) is arrested by law enforcement, the consequences may include revocation of the immigrant visa and deportation, even without a criminal conviction." -

2018-11-17 00:52:39 UTC  

Its almost as silly as the "US needs to do X against Saudi cause he had a US Visa" ignoring that the Visa only gives US protections in the US. Basically the only people truly safe from extradition and with US full protections are US citizens.

2018-11-17 03:11:57 UTC  

Saudi citizen, on saudi land, saudi issue

2018-11-17 03:13:14 UTC  

People want us to stay out of other countries....but not now? Hmmm