Message from @Nordhand

Discord ID: 539518473445834752

2019-01-28 18:26:17 UTC  
2019-01-28 18:26:25 UTC  

πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚

2019-01-28 18:28:16 UTC  

but at least Starbucks do hire a lot of new staff to clean out the drug dens that they call toilets

2019-01-28 18:30:40 UTC  

anyone can be a journalist

2019-01-28 18:31:00 UTC  

I could velcro-strap a camera to a dog and call it a journalist

2019-01-28 18:32:35 UTC  

Problem is that the modern definition of what Journalism is. It's no longer doing your own stories and research. Going to locations and interviewing, it's simply writing an *opinionated* article with stuff you found online. And most of the "journalists" on the internet media platforms like Buzzfeed and what Vice has become, is that they're not Journalists they're activists

2019-01-28 18:44:18 UTC  

yeah, journalism has been conflated with political punditry

2019-01-28 18:45:07 UTC  

they did make the bed by there own will. now they get to reap the rewards from it

2019-01-28 18:48:16 UTC  

I think commentators are going to become more and more important as time goes on. They will have to read articles from a wide range of sources to determine what is true and what is false, then present it to us.

2019-01-28 18:49:24 UTC  

The trouble on our end however will be finding commentators who make it a habit of always checking every source instead of just sources on their whitelist of goodthink.

2019-01-28 18:50:16 UTC  

@Nordhand someone will ride in to their rescue - the laid off coal miners don't complain online and no one cares about them to begin with. The journalists complain online 24/7 and gain sympathy from many rich leftists

2019-01-28 18:50:58 UTC  

The far leftist democrats will give them positions in the new socialist states of america.

2019-01-28 18:51:40 UTC  

right, I could see that happening - them being offered government jobs revolving-door style

2019-01-28 18:51:43 UTC  

*anita sarkeesian is our new minister of propaganda! Congratulations mrs sarkeesian.*

2019-01-28 18:51:53 UTC  

I don't mind punditry, as long as they're not calling themselves journalists

2019-01-28 18:52:00 UTC  


2019-01-28 18:52:03 UTC  

Styx is a pundit

2019-01-28 18:52:12 UTC  

that's the entire conflict with CNN

2019-01-28 18:52:25 UTC  

you pretty much said it right there - pundits masquerading as journalists

2019-01-28 18:53:47 UTC  

@nutsnax the media collapse now is from that they have now run out of rich uncles that is willing to burn cash on them

2019-01-28 18:54:37 UTC  

I don't think they run out of money, I think they ultimately have Fed backing

2019-01-28 18:55:56 UTC  

that did run out as well as the Obama program did run out 30 December 2018 and I dont see trump renewing it anytime soon

2019-01-28 18:55:59 UTC  

Regulatory capture via the FCC

2019-01-28 18:57:42 UTC  

@Fitzydog is tim a pundit?

2019-01-28 18:59:03 UTC  

Yes, on his other channel

2019-01-28 18:59:26 UTC  

poor tim is one bad day from standing on a roof top with a AK47 this days

2019-01-28 19:01:15 UTC  

which channel?

2019-01-28 20:53:15 UTC  

Venezuela invading columbia?

blocking peoples escape

2019-01-28 20:54:10 UTC  

Artilery against protestors?

2019-01-28 20:54:21 UTC  

that would be turning it up to 11 real fucking quick

How about 12 <:covfefe:440543908846632980>

2019-01-28 20:55:00 UTC  

Wonder if that oil facility being blown up had anything to do with that?

Don't burn the Oil! REEEEEE

2019-01-28 21:08:05 UTC  

We are about to see some real shit any moment now