Message from @Nordhand

Discord ID: 543536743186694177

2019-02-08 20:28:48 UTC  

In the next city over the gov put in a park just because a company proposed a strip club there so they would be denied the permits. It was never developed as a park, it basically a shit small plot of crap grass with a shit swing set next to one of the busiest streets in town without parking.

2019-02-08 20:30:15 UTC  


2019-02-08 20:32:01 UTC germany doesnt wants more incels confirmed

2019-02-08 20:42:37 UTC  

You mean to tell me I paid all that money for kids braces and they're useless!

2019-02-08 20:43:34 UTC  

tongue posture brah

2019-02-08 20:43:50 UTC  

the future is here brah. mewing will become mainstream brah

2019-02-08 20:43:55 UTC  

health revolution brah

2019-02-08 20:46:34 UTC  

Use them crystals to heal brah

2019-02-08 20:47:23 UTC  

Mike Mew @Goblin_Slayer_Floki Brah

2019-02-08 20:52:26 UTC  

BBC on suicide watch


2019-02-08 20:55:11 UTC  

sadly they did find away around that problem in Norway. they decided that they are going to put the dam tv licence in to the general taxes so everyone is forced to pay for it.

here the over 75s get a free liocence and they want to take that away cus they actually still watch TV

2019-02-08 20:57:53 UTC  

To counter that you firebomb the tv headquarters

2019-02-08 20:59:05 UTC  

the good part is that they are removing the bill from hell that comes every January for just owning a TV

2019-02-08 20:59:24 UTC  

and unlike the UK, I cant refuse to pay it

2019-02-08 21:00:02 UTC  


2019-02-08 21:00:58 UTC  

why you don't want furries anywhere near your crap

2019-02-08 21:44:01 UTC  

> misunderstood

2019-02-08 21:44:13 UTC  

no, it's fully understood, that's why everyone hates furries

2019-02-08 21:46:39 UTC  

death to furries!

2019-02-08 21:46:40 UTC  


2019-02-08 23:17:06 UTC  

seems true as most SJW's dont have children

2019-02-08 23:17:21 UTC  


2019-02-08 23:24:49 UTC  


and we got started, years ago <:think_woke:378717098681171988>

CC isn't even married yet. total n00b

Tim is WOKE now


2019-02-09 00:34:46 UTC  

well that the BBC is corrupt is nothing new. or did people forget Jimmy Savile all ready

2019-02-09 00:38:50 UTC  

they did hide his abuse of kids for decades just for the ratings he did give them and was not after his death that the info that the BBC was fully aware and all they did do was to look the other way and pay off or silence in other means the people that did make a stink about it