Message from @Date ✓ᴴᵃᵐᵐᵉʳᴮʳᵒᵗʰᵉʳ™
Discord ID: 402315433408987136
@everyone I've pruned the old general for security reasons. THERE IS AN OPEN LINK TO THIS SERVER FROM THE DAILY STORMER FORUMS, CONSIDER THIS A PUBLIC DISCORD. We suspect there are infiltrators here as it is.
@here here is a new public invite to this discord in case the old one doesn't work anymore, you share if you want.
Oh fug
Fug indeed, fug indeed.
Infiltrators from where?
Or just Russians in general?
I think he was messing with you lol
Prolly just some lefty that clicked on the open invite in the DS
A Russian leftie LOL
Putin himself
Anyone read SIEGE here?
Me and Friendly Fash
@Zeiger You read SIEGE or nah?
Of course Zeiger read Siege dude who is this?
We are not Siege-pilled bruhs, if you want this join an Iron March Discord server
So what are you guys about?
Meeting up and reading books?