Message from @Broo TulsiGang 2024 πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Discord ID: 495519700977975316

2018-09-29 08:51:55 UTC  

Oh dear god, not with your Mumps outbreak.

2018-09-29 08:52:11 UTC  

the cold killed the mumps before it got to my village I guess

2018-09-29 08:54:06 UTC  

Sorry man, but with Trudue in charge, his immigration policy has unleashed thousands of unvaccinated Refugees into your country. I'm now here in Central New York. We keep gettings mumps cases down here from your country because your medical health care system is overwhelmed. The strain from the Middle east seems to be able to infect people who had the mumps already because it's JUST different enough to reflect someone who has had it before.

2018-09-29 08:54:22 UTC  

Depends on which providence you are in, as well.

My Dad got a BIG YUUUGE needle in the bum for Mumps

Later got tested, he's genetically immune <:pepe_sad:378719408345841664>

2018-09-29 08:54:27 UTC  

in the cities

2018-09-29 08:54:34 UTC  


2018-09-29 08:54:39 UTC  

you see

2018-09-29 08:54:52 UTC  

in the villages far north, we have nice simple lives without mumps

2018-09-29 08:55:38 UTC  

if it weren't for the non-health care in the states, I'd want to move to a rural area in one of the northern states

2018-09-29 08:55:39 UTC  

I think I saw some pro antifa signs up town.

2018-09-29 08:55:45 UTC  

I'll snag some photos if I do.

2018-09-29 08:56:00 UTC  

For some reason there's a shortage of the MMR vaccine, but Trudue said, "What's the worse that can happen?" Yeah, 100k+ cases over the past three years.

Oh? Yeah, the disease maps don't show it going that far north.

I got the Mumps people said I looked like the Fat Controller

2018-09-29 08:56:31 UTC  


2018-09-29 08:56:35 UTC  


I was like 8

I had a teacher that got Shingles

2018-09-29 08:57:47 UTC  


2018-09-29 08:58:02 UTC  

were you living in a secret plague testing facility?

He's in a school man

You know what Freshers Flu is?

2018-09-29 08:59:02 UTC  

I sometimes, when I feel up to it (I have not lately) will volenteer online to do suicide prevention. And I haven't been up to it for months now, but you get people from all over the world. I... got to ask... why do Canadians want to destroy their children?

2018-09-29 08:59:37 UTC  

I don't know what that is

2018-09-29 08:59:40 UTC  

I talk kids out of suicide as young as 12. Your country's health care paid for a sex change operation on a 12 year old.

2018-09-29 09:00:26 UTC  

there's shit just as bad going on all over the place, in places with heavy left influence

5 Canadian God Childen. No idea. No Problems

One Mom^ did try when she was about 15 though

2018-09-29 09:00:59 UTC  

it's not canada the enormous country that did it, it was an ideology


I'm more on a face to face guy when it comes to serious business

2018-09-29 09:03:11 UTC  

the point I'm trying to make is that there's these people all over the place, there's much less in villages

2018-09-29 09:03:15 UTC  

and in rural areas

2018-09-29 09:03:26 UTC  

and far more in urban and city areas

2018-09-29 09:04:08 UTC  

so I'll stay in my village, where the people are normal, and I also get the free healthcare from the overall country that that village is in

2018-09-29 09:04:20 UTC  

And it's one of those cases where, it is actually too late to change anything, so how do you explain that? Sorry I'm being monrose. I'm... I haven't had a "win" in a long time and it's wearing me down.

6yo God Daughter has been ignoring her Mother. I go over and we go on a 'Date' for Ice Cream, Milkshake and a have chat

This is the Broo Method

Has to be face to face is the point. Older ones like 17yo that can be phonecall about smaller things but big things it's a trip to Pub, a meal etc

2018-09-29 09:07:14 UTC  

I work with people getting out of the Mental Hospital, btw. So its sort of my job to help people put their lives back together after their minds fell apart. I get it that this job is tough, but I used to feel like, "Hey. There are people who'd be dead if you hadn't been there." and that used to be enough. Now I feel like I'm trying to empty the ocean with a spoon. Like every person I help, it just doesn't matter because 50 take their place.

2018-09-29 09:08:01 UTC  


2018-09-29 09:08:28 UTC  

And OH DEAR GOD NO! Sorry, but I can't risk meeting these children face to face. I'll get charged with being a pedophile. Best to keep it anonymous.

2018-09-29 09:08:46 UTC  

Wanna hear true insanity?