The Eldritch God

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2018-09-15 13:43:19 UTC [Subverse #new-member-alert]  

2018-09-18 19:01:08 UTC [Sparta #general]  

Hey, Sargon, just wanted to give ya a slow clap for the tl;dr video. I got into it with him about 2 years ago when he decided that every youtuber under 1000 subs should just quit because we all suck. The guy is an arrogant prick.


When did every individual become the group?

It's like everyone is part of some sort of union of X. Every woman is a ALL women. Every black man is ALL black men. [sarcasm] Every Scot is... well... scottish. They'll all just a bunch of drunken layabouts. Who cares about them anyways? [/sarcasm]

I think I need a therapist. Or drugs, Maybe a therapist to give me drugs. I'm just feeling so frickin' depressed. I wanna scream what the hell is wrong with people lately, except I know the answer and screaming is too much effort.

You know, I got a friend who keeps talking about this is going to be a civil war, and I get it now. He doesn't believe we're gonna start shooting each other, he WANTS us to start shooting each other. The moment we start shooting each other, we can stop thinking about all this crap and just get it all over with. Except that won't improve a damn thing. I blame The Walking Dead. it has romanticized the concept of "Blow everything up and start over." Can't say there's a part of me that wouldn't like the rest of humanity to go away for a while. I'd just like them to come back after I get a few weeks sleep.

There was an old book. Dystopian Future political prediction sort. Called, "Make Us Happy". It was a silly book, but I just realized that it's coming true. Dear god, that book could be a blue print and the guy wrote it decades ago.

At first it seems like a nightmare. 100% of humanity is brainwashed from birth. Everyone is a mandated Bisexual. All sexual orientations are "All heterosexual sex should be between 100 year olds and children, but when you grow out of that phase to turn homosexual. Human children are grown in potted plants. Since Divorce rates hit 100% for first time, second time, and third time marrigess, and 4th time was approaching 80%, they started mandated adultery. You had an A-Card that needed to be punched once a month or face still fines and eventual imprisonment.

Now, as an adult, it actually seems like the left's ideal world.

Suburbia, but work in one, why?

Actually, I would disagree. It's the colleges that are the problem. Every city/town that has one of those is a breeding ground for the left. No college, the place seems fine.

Oh dear god, not with your Mumps outbreak.

Sorry man, but with Trudue in charge, his immigration policy has unleashed thousands of unvaccinated Refugees into your country. I'm now here in Central New York. We keep gettings mumps cases down here from your country because your medical health care system is overwhelmed. The strain from the Middle east seems to be able to infect people who had the mumps already because it's JUST different enough to reflect someone who has had it before.

Depends on which providence you are in, as well.

For some reason there's a shortage of the MMR vaccine, but Trudue said, "What's the worse that can happen?" Yeah, 100k+ cases over the past three years.

Oh? Yeah, the disease maps don't show it going that far north.


I sometimes, when I feel up to it (I have not lately) will volenteer online to do suicide prevention. And I haven't been up to it for months now, but you get people from all over the world. I... got to ask... why do Canadians want to destroy their children?

I talk kids out of suicide as young as 12. Your country's health care paid for a sex change operation on a 12 year old.

And it's one of those cases where, it is actually too late to change anything, so how do you explain that? Sorry I'm being monrose. I'm... I haven't had a "win" in a long time and it's wearing me down.

I work with people getting out of the Mental Hospital, btw. So its sort of my job to help people put their lives back together after their minds fell apart. I get it that this job is tough, but I used to feel like, "Hey. There are people who'd be dead if you hadn't been there." and that used to be enough. Now I feel like I'm trying to empty the ocean with a spoon. Like every person I help, it just doesn't matter because 50 take their place.

And OH DEAR GOD NO! Sorry, but I can't risk meeting these children face to face. I'll get charged with being a pedophile. Best to keep it anonymous.

Wanna hear true insanity?

There was a client, schizophrenic, she has the right to stop taking her meds. We can't force them. However, eventually you will get kicked out of the program.

She stopped. Not my client, but she's in the program. One day she calls the cops on me, out of the blue. I get suspended. Lose a week of pay. I finally get interviewed. I have an alibi, so it's cleared up, sort of. I eventually get back to work. Guess what crime she accused me of?

Give up? I am the first man charged with being a solo gang rapist. Apparently, there were more then one of me, and all of me gang raped her. With no physical evidence. The did the rape kit. There was no evidence she'd even had sex. And yet, I still got charged and suspended.

And here's the kicker. A few months ago, a cop called me up and started asking odd ball questions, eventually asking for an alibi for such and such a date. Apparently, they keep a list of "accused but not convicted" and someone had given a description of "white male in their 40's". This is going to follow me the rest of my life.

it's 5 am and I'm way too drunk and bitter. Sorry for laying this bullshit on everyone.

Oh yeah, the new heroin-fentanyl is pure morality bleach.

That stuff is physically addictive on the first shot.

I would tell people that if life was fair, that would suck.

Imagine a world where every horrible thing that happened to you was your own damn fault.

People who ask for the world to be fair actually want the world to be unfair, but just in their favor.

Then I see these women screeching at Senator Flake about how allowing Kavanaugh to join the SCOTUS is "sending a message" to all women everywhere and how unfair it is and I just want to blow my brains out. I won't. My survival instinct is too high, but fuck me how can these people be so narcissistic? The more I watch that guy, the more I wish he was running for president, not the Supreme Court.

The sad thing is, I've seen Ford's testimony and I have seen that behavior before. Her manerisms. Rhe way she seems to keep reverting to a child like state. The nervous laughter and sudden mood changes. That woman wasn't just groped. She is displaying all the body language of someone who was molested by a family member for years.

And judging by the time period, we have the problem that between puberty and age 25 there is an enzyme that "cleans up" old memories in your head. And given the way Explicit memories are stored in the human mind, if she was trying to block out the memories, she could have lost the knowledge of the person who did it to her. However the index "file" that allows one to reconstruct past memories is almost always intact. Thus it's entirely possible everything that happened to her did indeed happen to her, but now, 36 years later, she's reindexed the original memory to include Kavanaugh.

She clearly believes what she is saying, but the truth is, it doesn't matter. Her belief doesn't matter. What matters is can we determine the truth? All evidence points to she has reconstructed the memory and inserted Kavanaugh. She made the mistake of sending in a letter to the Democrats who leaked it. Now this poor woman who clearly needs help has been dragged through this horrifying proceedure for short term political gain. For no other reason then to delay a nomination a week.

Hypnosis creates Implicit memories which are always complete fabrications. Hypnosis is a bunk science. Sort of like lie detectors.

This woman has real problems and the Democrats don't care about her at all. She's just a tool and I am just sick. I used to think there could be some middle of the road. I always try to be reasonable. But dammit, this is just so gut wrenchingly bad I wanna puke.

Not a single democrat elected offical has even HINTED that maybe, MAYBE this has gone a little too far.

The crazy thing is, I don't think she was just "groped". Nobody has that set of symptoms who was groped one time at a party. Or she is the most fragile flower ever existed. No. She was sexually assaulted multiple times, more then likely over several years. I'd most likely was a family member, and that man, that fucked up horrible monster, is out there. And people like THAT don't just do this once.

And this isn't just off the top of my head. I've got a client who acts the same way she did on the stand in the program right now. And I've seen this type of reversion behavior several times before.

The funny thing is, I know exactly how to help her sort out the facts from fantasy. I've found in these cases, Spacial Awareness seems to be damn stable. You can usually help someone recall explicit memories that are fragmented by starting with the area where the event took place.

Gone so far as to create a physical model using miniatures. I managed to get a break through for the client in a few hours, which compared to the years she'd been spinning her wheels is damn amazing.

The otherside won't be any better. You know how many people I hear saying, "She's so lying. Listen to her whiney voice. I hate her." Just because she's whiny doesn't mean she's lying.

It's biological. We hear high pitched sounds better so signs of distress are always "whiny". I want to hear about the PTSD she had before the "incident" with Kavanaugh. I think whatever caused her PTSD originally is what is causing all this memory issue.

Ironically, it turns out she may not legally be a psychologist. I know the Left wants this FBI investigation, but i fear all it will do is prove that woman lied under oath. She was not mentally fit to give testimony.

I'm just circling the drain. I should get some work done.

2019-10-19 07:41:55 UTC [Sparta #breaking-news]  

I wonder what it would take to get Trump to tweet an offer to the UK that instead of making a deal with the UE, he'd let them join the US. I bet the MSM would lose their minds.

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