Message from @radeon

Discord ID: 500363822872264704

2018-10-12 17:34:08 UTC  

You have to understand that they basically have to work under minimum wage, because they have no social security number or birth certificate or anything else that you're required to get a job.

2018-10-12 17:34:48 UTC  

I mean, it really is just a slightly elevated form of poverty compared to the life that they were living in Mexico.

2018-10-12 17:35:13 UTC  

So I just put it in reverse and let them get out of the way if they didn't feel like getting 1.2 tons of Volkswagen on their face, so naturally being shitty entitled poor excuses for human beings they start putting their hands on my car

2018-10-12 17:35:51 UTC  

This whole time they are knowingly blocking the drive thru exit btw just standing in front of honking cars trying to leave

2018-10-12 17:36:14 UTC  

is 'we happy few' basically what is going on britain at the moment?

2018-10-12 17:36:15 UTC  

They act like entitled tourists and they should be taken back to the scum hole they came from in handcuffs

2018-10-12 17:36:16 UTC  

I do agree though that the general attitude is, is that they really don't want to be here, and the only reason why they're here is because it so fucking shitty in Mexico right now.

2018-10-12 17:36:17 UTC  

no one wants to 'cause a fuss'

2018-10-12 17:36:24 UTC  

is that why the UK is getting censorship

2018-10-12 17:36:29 UTC  


2018-10-12 17:36:43 UTC  

PC culture, it's illegal to point out facts, etc

2018-10-12 17:36:49 UTC  

sorry, ill take it to politics

2018-10-12 17:37:18 UTC  

We're literally arguing politics right now.

2018-10-12 17:37:38 UTC  

For instance mentioning that UK Pakistanis make up less than 4% of the population but make up over 40% of birth defects due to incest, which is illegal in the UK but not enfored for brown people

2018-10-12 17:39:32 UTC  

It took every fiber of my being to not assault two illegals in a McDonald's parking lot for touching my car after blocking me in while I'm trying to leave

2018-10-12 17:40:04 UTC  

And you can instantly tell if they're legal or illegals based on how they behave

2018-10-12 17:41:34 UTC  

Oh I watched a Mexican woman change her child's diaper ***on the table people eat from, in front of everyone*** in a Subway and leave the dirty diaper and all of their trash on the table/floor. They honestly act as though they own the place.

2018-10-12 17:43:24 UTC  

well they are used to just drop anything where they stand back home so why change now

2018-10-12 17:46:19 UTC  

Because the people who run the country are actively conspiring to stop people from criticizing mass illegal immigration at the benefit of corrupt corporations and to the detriment of real citizens

2018-10-12 17:47:11 UTC  

That is why they have to call any and all criticism of Mexicans racist even if it has nothing to do with their ethnicity, they know it's a lie but they have to keep up the narrative

2018-10-12 17:47:29 UTC  

Orange man racist, orange man bad, rinse and repeat

2018-10-12 17:49:34 UTC  

yea and they are afraid that the house of cards made of lie will come down any moment now, so they are fighting even more hard to try keep the public in the dark and as they are doing it it is falling apart even faster

2018-10-12 17:58:23 UTC  

@Veritas Prognostician they may work under minimum wage but their take home far exceeds minimum wage because of lack of taxes

2018-10-12 17:58:42 UTC  

Is there a source on that?

2018-10-12 17:58:50 UTC  

And most dont even work under minimum. Check the crowder.

2018-10-12 17:58:56 UTC  

Because from what I've heard from illegals, they basically get half under.

2018-10-12 17:59:11 UTC  

I will actually thanks.

2018-10-12 17:59:16 UTC  

@Veritas Prognostician you said yourself they dont have ssn so then they dont pay taxes

2018-10-12 17:59:33 UTC  

Yeah, but they still need to "get" one. If you get my drift.

2018-10-12 18:00:28 UTC  

Take fed minimum wage. 7.75 and same hours, 40/week. Even at half you make more with lack of taxes

2018-10-12 18:01:06 UTC  

And ss and mandatory healthcare

2018-10-12 18:01:39 UTC  

**BuncyTheFrog#6744** was cleansed from the server.

2018-10-12 18:01:40 UTC  

They still pay taxes actually. Because they have to use someone else's ssn.

2018-10-12 18:02:09 UTC  

Not really. The labor workers you pick up dont pay taxes

2018-10-12 18:02:30 UTC  

Yeah, but the kitchen ladies that work at McDonalds and shit like that?

2018-10-12 18:03:02 UTC  

Depends on how they were hired. If the business is doing proper checks they wont be working there

2018-10-12 18:03:28 UTC  

Most illigals work as labor hands and farm workers ect.

2018-10-12 18:03:37 UTC  

Where the check can be avoided

2018-10-12 18:04:02 UTC  

I don't know the numbers on that, but I'll take your word for it.

2018-10-12 18:04:37 UTC  

It's been my personal experience that the ones I've worked with really don't earn a lot, despite working almost full time at two jobs.