Message from @Fahrenheit
Discord ID: 341605118547853324
They also did not predict that the internet would give us access to each other to form the first real grassroots mass movement in the history of civilization. We are engineering a virus, which will infect the minds of an entire generation of young white men.
**SHIT la plus vraie que j'ai jamais lu
***Replace jew by " Intertribal elite"
This guy is good. We should invite him on the discord.
he refused an interview from 'this hour has 88 minutes' prob fear of doxing
Hello fellow goyim
Heil brother, where are you based and do you have support from other goys in your area?
Not sure if I want to divulge too much information for now. Just looking to talk with like minded goys. I have a long background in weightlifting. I wanted to help others out with training tips if they need.
I'm building my own gym too.
Salut ti coco
New people?
I wasn't trying to get you to dox yourself , just like knowing very generally where people are from.
But awesome about you being a lifter, more of a bodybuilder, Oly or powerlifting?
Got an invite by GaiusKekus
Il vient pas aux meetings?
Wut. They don't need to be veted IRL first? aww k
I underatand, but i have a healthy dose of paranoia. Oly and powerlifting.
Its better that we get to know them here anyway
Works for me.
Plus if they get invited by people who have been vetted its good
I put up a half decent post on DS. Was invited on discord afterwards
Thats good
Souldrinker, bring on the Canadian Liftwaffe!
The Liftwaffe is a great idea.
My best total was 1355 for the big three, but now I mostly just maintain because I don't have time for 3 hours at the gym
I'm building some equipment, should be done by end of August
Been going to the gym for a bit
gained 20 pounds
6'2 lankfag
My total would be around 1600 raw.
Good stuff
I'm more of a wrestler.
Good on you.
Overall us NATZEE scum have a good aesthetic.
Yeah no belt on the squat or deadlifts but did use straps so I could go double overhand on the 565 pull
Btw Bebecoco share le link dans le groupe facebook
Got a good cumulative 10 years martial arts, including 2 years mma,