Message from @Greg
Discord ID: 219947389509828608
or maybe go do a bit of boxing training or smt
Kk, don't know the exact time ill be in town on friday but i will later on this week. I'll fill you in when i do and see if we can arrange a meet-up.
also, for your information, you can send direct messages to anyone by right clicking their names
Sounds good
Im out, see you next week. Maybe
okay, bye
Hey, maybe we can do some axe-throwing as an activity one day -
sounds pretty cool!
I know this place, been there once. It's cool indeed! And it's open until late (9pm), so people that work during the day can go as well
Guys guys guys
You're not believe this shit
I red pulled a chick last night all out
Either that
so, she's into you
good for you!
Or she's a fucking absolute nutter that doesn't give a fuck if I am horrible nazi
no woman cares about that
They think they care
But if they give you any time they realize nazis has no bearing on relationship quality
It even has positives more so
ok Zeiger
since we said our fb in-group would hold its activity of the month on saturday
we could instead get the in-group to help you out
this saturday
yeah, right
and that could be our group activity
i said as much on fb
just now
that would be great, of course. but I don't want to impose
no it's ok
we can do something afterwards
maybe go to that axe throwing thing
it's not too expensive
not sure if I heard about it but sounds cool
any as for me