Message from @Yuma County
Discord ID: 287828575061671936
Anyone with a mic ready for vetting
sure what yah need
Iamawesom - MO - Today at 1:06 AM
Anyone with a mic ready for petting
Sadly I don't have a mic.
ill gladly wait in line
>Get doxed
>Lots of pizza delivered to you
You guys vet autists?
Do you have a mic @asdfgasdfgasdfaoklk
yes connected now
I'm fucking extremely autistic
kk I'll move you to the vetting channel
to the pizza delivery
Haven't been out in months
ancoives ftw
@asdfgasdfgasdfaoklk you're muted
Stick man made my day
Are there any unironic fascists here?
I mod a server for that.
tfw don't like Commies more
You don't get to bring friends.
We vett autists as well, but Iamaweaome is the only one vettinh right now
im trying to get it to work
I am extreme vetter
But you have to hide the power levels bc were a group of peace n sheeit @AD 1453
Iamawesom - MO - Today at 1:08 AM
I am extreme petter
/pol/ is a board of peace
I am from vol
Hide being a relative term.
halo i am from ball
we wuz
meme it
Vet me bros
activate it