Message from @Veritas Prognostician
Discord ID: 525206803110297602
**fortnite tutor (dm for pricing)#8268** was cleansed from the server.
>Fortnite tutor
Can you show me how to <:think_hang:378717098903470080>
I need elaborate instructions including a demonstration
Molyneux is so deep into racial paranoia that he’s now decided everything else he hates is an attack on the white race too.
Ironic how the people who boast endlessly about how Western Civilization is the bestest are also convinced that it’s basically screwed because of whatever thing they dislike.
<:GWcmeisterPeepoHug:403295305132408832> 🍵
“Women should need the permission of a male relative, in order to leave the house” -Stefan Molyneux
she should if she's leaving with his money in her purse <:pepe_smug:378719408341909506>
and must be accompanied by a male relative?
and make sure she is modestly clothed?
Molymeme is overdosing on redpills
Is this the best Mad Lads?
And why do we not have a bulldozer emoji?
I'm about halfway through
but I got to work
**Wiel#9904** was cleansed from the server.
Who runs this server?
The jooz because they want to enslave the goyim
The Jews
I was banned from the other Sargon server.
(((Saragon of Akkad)))
Spambot sent me into the cells
Because I typed out E V O L U T I O N during a debate.
I need to kiss ass to get out.
But I use my sock puppet instead.
**Laura#7243** was cleansed from the server.
Who is Discordia anyway?