Message from @EmEm

Discord ID: 530866609246437377

and Orange Man bad

so goodluck with your normie Wife

2019-01-04 21:07:38 UTC  

oh Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―

2019-01-04 21:07:47 UTC  

prob still gonna watch

When couples watch together it's rare that both are actually watching 🀷🏿

2019-01-04 21:20:59 UTC  

@turtwig I heard it's good from diversity and comics so it's probably good

2019-01-04 21:24:52 UTC  

s3 of daredevil is great

2019-01-04 21:29:01 UTC  

its entertaining and has some orange man bad and stronk women shit in it.It's a little subtle compared to other things

2019-01-04 21:29:34 UTC  

the new villain is good

2019-01-04 21:38:37 UTC  
2019-01-04 21:44:32 UTC  

@galesteppes yoyo, hope you get a good weekened fatty

2019-01-04 21:46:41 UTC  

@EmEm don't drive someone to suicide with that forehead of yours now

2019-01-04 21:46:50 UTC  

Nah i wont

2019-01-04 21:46:53 UTC  


2019-01-04 21:47:09 UTC  

why'd you kill reaps

2019-01-04 21:47:14 UTC  

fucking trap

2019-01-04 21:47:41 UTC  


2019-01-04 21:47:47 UTC  

fucking hell i dont know where he is

2019-01-04 21:48:06 UTC  

2 months ago 😦

did you break his heart?

2019-01-04 21:54:22 UTC  


2019-01-04 21:54:29 UTC  

i dont know why he dissapeared

2019-01-04 21:54:42 UTC  

i even tried tagging him saying shermans always burst into flames

2019-01-04 21:54:44 UTC  

But no dice

2019-01-04 21:56:37 UTC  

american tanks > german tanks

2019-01-04 21:57:04 UTC  


2019-01-04 21:58:24 UTC  


2019-01-04 21:58:36 UTC  

German tanks were gay because they were made from swedish iron

2019-01-04 21:58:54 UTC  

If they were even german tanks

2019-01-04 21:59:20 UTC  


2019-01-04 21:59:24 UTC  

zhe transmission broke

2019-01-04 22:02:24 UTC  

Germany Failed Hard. They could have easily lasted another 10 years. If they just put all of their FOCUS on nuclear holocoast

2019-01-04 22:02:39 UTC  

Everytime I read this discord

2019-01-04 22:02:39 UTC  

I look even more longingly at my 1911 and wonder.

2019-01-04 22:03:47 UTC  

I call BS

2019-01-04 22:03:58 UTC  

Germany lie all the time

2019-01-04 22:03:58 UTC  

Like. Does anyone else hate the leftists now? I didnt before. But now I want them to not exist.

2019-01-04 22:04:17 UTC  

I dont hate them. I pity them for they are misguided