Message from @celtichussar
Discord ID: 365358411149344768
I.e. putting guns in cars & transporting the weapons to their militants.
i hate them with a burning passion
Yea. He may shill for Isra-hell but he is a good info source on all things Anti-FA.
Also he confirmed my suspicions.
Anti-FA is now Clandestine.
They seem to operate over Signal and they do not dress up in Black anymore.
Signal is good but I like Telegram too
And I believe they are using a method similar to Iraqi Insurgents with regards to their weapons transport method
Makes sense
Called "Rolling Caches" by US Troops.
If I need to get lots of weapons from one place to another, breaking it down into multiple cars on multiple routes is how I'd do it
I already devised a method to defeat that. But I wont say here due to possible infiltrators.
Not gonna risk breaching OPSEC.
good idea
Hey there. Anyone in Iowa?
There is a Comrade willing to join our cause.
Can I invite him here?
@MatthewHeimbach Hey there. There is a Comrade who is interested in joining. Can I add him here?
@celtichussar Welcome.
@MatthewHeimbach is it ok if I pm you?
@Octothorpe @donkeykickboxer
No worries. Im always strictly business nowadayz lol Should I go full AmRen and put on my 3pc Suit? Lol
I may be around Atlanta at that time, DD and I will do what we can to plan for it. Hope to make it.
Lol I miss ya brother hope too see you again soon
Random late-night religious research comes at you fast.. Lol was led to this when searching for pics of Quetzalcoatl compared to Jesus..
I already knew how some Christians viewed other Christians this way, but this was a little funny.
Any official announcement post so far on the opiate epidemic event? Martin Buchanan mentioned he saw one.
I would like details. Go ahead and ask off work if it's within the weekday paradigm.
But yeah @AltCelt(IL) Christ and Kukal Khan and Quetzalcoatl are described in the same way oddly. Mormons mention this.
So the Christ archetype seems to penetrate many culturesm
All 1 and the same to me. Different forms, different regions. But only one version was lucrative and so it was eventually hijacked and eternally bankrolled under Universalism.
The others are either twisted and used against tribalist/nationalist causes in certain ways, or truth about them is hidden altogether.
Dr. Johnson just did a podcast on this haha.
Gona download it for tomorrow. I just listened to his Paganism Is Not A Religion cast a few nights ago. Thats pretty much where I stand, that the ancient beliefs are a foundation and philosophy for what a Christ Figure was meant to be. I guess because Im not C.I. or Orthodox, that it doesnt stop there. I guess even all that is too Right-Hand Path for me haha
Love his stuff
Lol fair enough.
I have a strong big brained esoteric pagan gnostic background myself and Orthodoxy surprisingly doesn't shit on esoteric mysteries at all.
Does anyone have details on the opiate event?