Discord ID: 332498639731687425
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Were is twp meeting at today the email didn't say?
Were is twp meeting at today the email didn't say?
Were is twp meeting at today the email didn't say?
Aren't they doing somthing today?
Can you send my an invite to the cville discord
U didn't get one either
I didn't get one either
I got 4 but he said a fifth
Weres that after at goys
Shit ok stay safe brothers hail victory
Is all the twp guys ok
He was on adult swim had a show got canceled cause he was Redpilling
How any of us died none last I checked I call that a win
Ok so for the record was he our guy or not????
Nope not with the league I know them
Yea if anything this will radicalized the left even more they payed the blood price and next time they are gonna want to get even
Damn right boys do you think the left would be crying if it was a dead so called nazi out there
Ok boys you know what we should pool our resources and start building our own monuments
And then every one from unite the right come and crash it
Lol that would be priceless he just starts crying runs and falls down
Roll that's spaghettios
Attention TWP in arkansas we are to a troll raid on Dr Washburn who called the antifa true heroes and said he was happy they through out the nazis this man I supposed to be a right wing supporter on his show and now that trump has come out and said that he found out the left was violent too now he's changing his story please every one pose as a normie and demand his job calling him a traitor for buying into fake news please claim THURSDAY FROM 2_6pm the phone number is (501) 433 0266 help us with this small bit of activism please hail victory
That sounded like I was speaking only to arkansas twp but I meant every one help us out from other states
@Chad Radkersburg-ND you know I'm down crimson chin
Orthodoxy is fucked as far as I'm concerned it looks at racial treason as more of a inconvenience than a sin
@Kombat-Unitheimbach is sporting it it's a cult of personality
Well I'm not biased I'm a pagan I don't follow cristian faith but if I had to I would follow and I do support cristian identity like Richard butler taught
@Wally I agree with that
But I'm saying if I had to support cristian ideal I would only follow Ci not racial is mainstream
@Arcturus what your 'shooting' for huh
There all shape shifting reptilians
People who wear sandals and socks are also feds
Yea the lanky eccentric kids
Any one else see how heimbach is soft on the non white question???
@RexLexus hey man heard about you getting doxxed everything ok with you bro
I put it through my short so it wouldn't slip on mine
Hah if antifa grab your shirt flex and it explodes off
My mom's a seamstress she can make them elastic or velcro
Um suit your self my mom is fash as fuck showed up with me I pikeville with all my comrades getting doxxed and family disown ing them both my parents are behind me
@Kombat-Unit sounds like my mom
That's great most people having g to watch there back I have old men shaking my hand and telling me they support me
Isn't it crazy how cuck ed the boomers are damn
@MadKicker I am working on just that bro pm me if you want to know more
Yea jason told me about that we are focusing on making our own business to hire our guys so dozing is no big deal
Yea we are all about using the tactics of our enemy's we have a few guys who are down its in the early stage but once we can find a few more dedicated white men we can really get the ball rolling
We are hopeing to get financial stable enough to help other groups start as well
@Wallyi know that stormfront summit is coming up I'm going to be there with billy roper
Hahaha just shows how much they hate whites
Well then let's go back and burn that fucking city agian1488
Well let's go back there and let the antifa trash the place
Wonder how the police will act this time
And if we can esemble in such strength again
Rip rich pianna too bad it couldn't be that nigger kali
Yea Idk what happened mcgregor went in ther first 4 rounds giving him all he's got like a fool so now he's gassed and Has 8 more rounds
Optics is for fence sitters
Yea I hang with a bunch of alt right guys and I'm like cmon guys hurry up and go full fash already cville helped in that regard cause the far right looked more uniform fought harder and came better equipped although everyone who came was needed and I give much love to
Agreed I've been saying this
I agree stop trying to be comfortable this is war and if your not ready don't larp as a soldier for your race
Well they jp one of us first we were walking away them we hear our man I the back getting a boot party so we charged in there and beat some ass
Well I'm a white nationalist muslim
No bro Allah was white I take offense to that
Look man Allah was white sharia is the actual white man's law jews just make it the enemy
Wtf dude I was trolling
So he actually was white
@HueTheHand hey bro I agree I was trolling ya
Lol I'm a pagan btw I just thought saying I was white Islam (we wuz ottomans n sheitte) to see wat yall wouldnsay
Lol well I've stirred the shit
Muslims are scum and have been our enemy's for hundreds of years
We have hundreds of enemy's that always have contended with us only now we have dropped our gl9ves
Yea globalist religions make me cringe
At least if I knew for sure we would win I would ally with the Muslim to beat the jew
But he then would be purged from our land
I agree which is why I said if I knew it would work I would accept but I know better look at history letting your enemy in your camp has never ever worked
I'm listening to Midgard rising while discussing this lol
Well most cristian never where good fight exempt the catholics but I Consider them pagan
Yea well I believe they conned a lot of pagan rituals
@Kombat-Unit same bro the only cristian idealogy I support is Ci that's it all else are cucked
Same I don't believe I was born in sin an evil creature by nature so my evil ways (natural ways)must be perverted by an enlightened Christian to go against my genetic coding given by nature
Hhhhmmm a half niggers offspring is against white nationalism imagine that
Look at here hair roots tou can tell it's died blonde
Whey isolate is nothing but pure whey protein if it don't say isolate than its a blend with carbs minerals and other shit in it both are good and have different uses I also feel that way somtime on whey protein which is why I use carnivore protein it's a beef isolate
Hahah white pills
Man fuck that faggot they can't have metal man its ours
Angry white culture made metal as a metal musician this just pisses me off
Nice I didn't know we had goys and doxxing the enemy good show Ole chaps
Were the fk is Unlv???
That's awsome I know they have guys on our side too
I might be putting on an event in AR around mid October if anyone's interested
That's what I'm saying that white fog is co2 it's ether an airsoft Orr a bb gun even if it was a 380 or 22
That's not using gun powder I'm sure even a 17. Is loader than that
Calling niggas he's a bit when he's a thought
I'm here boys who needs to be saved
I'm a pagan and was raised old school pentacostal myself I'm talking the snake handling kind and I've seen it that way too but pretty much all cristian now are cucked
Yea I'm in arkansas and Baptist are the worse
Your beliefs are yours but I would compel you to drop the smite religious beliefs and follow the ancient ancestral path of our for fathers
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