Message from @E4S1911-MN
Discord ID: 278969549204750346
just posting it so y'all don't get any bright ideas :^)
It's literally just a dumb joke...
>white genocide is a joke
Oh come on, he's not endorsing it he is just being an idiot.
I don't comprehend, you all meme far worse than kekism in the general, plenty of divisive memeshit that will drive hopefuls away
How many people would be willing to buy patches? I can make and sell them at low cost. This is my favorite logo desu.
for how much?
When ur uni has a free speech ball
@esgee no more than $5 but I gotta iron out the details. Just wondering who's interested.
@James_Coney - LA that should be 'patriae et deo'
I got mine for about 250 per 50 units, so roughly $5 breakeven plus voluntary donations should be workable
Eyo gabe
You cut off yesterday @gabe_brouse
>anti sex worker
Prostitutes spread stds
Why'd her fur change color
Lance scarsella
War funder?
oh the France shooting?
my username is SquishierGnat95 is War Thunder
> she
rip my dog trapped himself in the bathroom again