Message from @James_Coney - LA
Discord ID: 278956713179086860
It is the safest color
this aint american vantard
So patches are good
I absolutely refuse navy blue for the above reasons, everything else is on the gradient of edginess
Sounds like olive drab uniforms is the way to go
Anyone worried about unis and patches making us targets has to consider that antis are going to target all real, known, and supposed opposition
And police have more and positive experience working with uniformed militias than they do ragtag groups like anoneemoose and blm
In the end that's all a semi-educated opinion on the issue, but I haven't heard any detailed rebuttals that I find at all persuasive from the other guys on voice, which is again, pure opinion on the debate, so take that as you will.
to any kekistani's in here, neck yourself
Why would you archive that? It's not like he is going to delete it or deny it.
just posting it so y'all don't get any bright ideas :^)
It's literally just a dumb joke...
>white genocide is a joke
Oh come on, he's not endorsing it he is just being an idiot.
I don't comprehend, you all meme far worse than kekism in the general, plenty of divisive memeshit that will drive hopefuls away
How many people would be willing to buy patches? I can make and sell them at low cost. This is my favorite logo desu.
for how much?
When ur uni has a free speech ball
@esgee no more than $5 but I gotta iron out the details. Just wondering who's interested.
@James_Coney - LA that should be 'patriae et deo'
I got mine for about 250 per 50 units, so roughly $5 breakeven plus voluntary donations should be workable
Eyo gabe
You cut off yesterday @gabe_brouse
>anti sex worker
Prostitutes spread stds
Why'd her fur change color
Lance scarsella