Message from @EnderOctanus

Discord ID: 542940418451701770

2019-02-07 05:26:50 UTC  

well don't go thinking dogma is just a problem with religion

2019-02-07 05:26:58 UTC  

It isnt

2019-02-07 05:27:00 UTC  

dogma exists in literally every human endeavor

2019-02-07 05:27:29 UTC  

I mean it *can* but I wouod not say it *does*.

2019-02-07 05:27:33 UTC  

and dogma isn't a core component of religion

2019-02-07 05:28:04 UTC  

it's a byproduct of people being people

2019-02-07 05:28:16 UTC  

It always seems to come with it, so my solution is simple. Get rid of the thing that is always bringing the other thing.

2019-02-07 05:28:36 UTC  

then you may as well get rid of science and philosophy, because they are also plagued with dogma

2019-02-07 05:28:46 UTC  

also economics

2019-02-07 05:28:54 UTC  

I don't think you can get rid of it but you get my point

2019-02-07 05:29:05 UTC  

Peopoe shoukd resist the subversion

2019-02-07 05:29:21 UTC  

yes but what I'm saying is don't throw the baby out with the bathwater

2019-02-07 05:29:46 UTC  

And if the baby wants to kill everyone?

2019-02-07 05:29:57 UTC  

religion is a specific tool, just like science and philosophy, and politics, and every other dimension of the human spirit

2019-02-07 05:30:01 UTC  

Except ots parents

2019-02-07 05:30:08 UTC  

and they all can produce dogma, and they all can become murderous

2019-02-07 05:30:41 UTC  

the Frankfurt School was not a religious school

2019-02-07 05:30:42 UTC  

Yes and look at Islam. It needs very badly to not exist, for the sake of my OWN existence.

2019-02-07 05:30:58 UTC  

Eugenics is not based on the foundation of a deity

2019-02-07 05:31:18 UTC  

any dimension of human pursuit can fall victim to ignorance and dogma

2019-02-07 05:31:23 UTC  

You make your own deity at that point, the ideal person.

2019-02-07 05:31:34 UTC  

and if you pick favorites then you are falling victim to your own personal dogma

2019-02-07 05:31:49 UTC  

Self defense is not dogma.

2019-02-07 05:32:11 UTC  

They literally listen to people that tell them that I need to die.

2019-02-07 05:32:42 UTC  

you believe something to be true even though you do not possess the capacity to know it, and even in defiance of evidence to the contrary

2019-02-07 05:32:53 UTC  

you can say it is in self defense, that doesn't change the fact

2019-02-07 05:33:21 UTC  

I am prepared to retaliate reciprocally. If they advocate my destruction, I shall advocate theirs. If they leave me alone, good, I don't care.

2019-02-07 05:34:55 UTC  

it's useful to say a gun is always loaded, but it's also more truthful to understand that as being subjective over realistic

2019-02-07 05:35:28 UTC  

I want them to quit talking about taking action against apostates. Because when one listens to the words of a religion, they tend to feel compelled to agree.

2019-02-07 05:35:33 UTC  

that's the line I draw in the sand between a religious belief and dogmatic belief

2019-02-07 05:36:19 UTC  

and yes Islam is a textbook example of a dogmatic political structure

2019-02-07 05:36:39 UTC  

Communism is also another example

2019-02-07 05:36:44 UTC  

When a religion goes into detail about HOW to kill me, I do not need convincing that it means it literally as a manual of operation.

2019-02-07 05:37:46 UTC  

Buddhists are weird but they tend to not kill many people, at least no more than we usually do already, so I don't care what they do.

2019-02-07 05:37:57 UTC  

although communism is more political than religious, it is still fully dogmatic

2019-02-07 05:38:17 UTC  

Depends on what you think religion is,

2019-02-07 05:39:11 UTC  

the ritual action of a belief

2019-02-07 05:39:32 UTC  

Then most things are religion.

2019-02-07 05:39:47 UTC  

it's best to understand that sooner rather than later

2019-02-07 05:40:13 UTC  

We don't exercise conscious thought for many tasks once we learn how to perform them. We essentially perform rituals all day.

2019-02-07 05:41:49 UTC  

Yes we do, we perform all kinds of rituals in pursuit of an ideal