Message from @EnderOctanus

Discord ID: 542942643106217985

2019-02-07 05:31:18 UTC  

any dimension of human pursuit can fall victim to ignorance and dogma

2019-02-07 05:31:23 UTC  

You make your own deity at that point, the ideal person.

2019-02-07 05:31:34 UTC  

and if you pick favorites then you are falling victim to your own personal dogma

2019-02-07 05:31:49 UTC  

Self defense is not dogma.

2019-02-07 05:32:11 UTC  

They literally listen to people that tell them that I need to die.

2019-02-07 05:32:42 UTC  

you believe something to be true even though you do not possess the capacity to know it, and even in defiance of evidence to the contrary

2019-02-07 05:32:53 UTC  

you can say it is in self defense, that doesn't change the fact

2019-02-07 05:33:21 UTC  

I am prepared to retaliate reciprocally. If they advocate my destruction, I shall advocate theirs. If they leave me alone, good, I don't care.

2019-02-07 05:34:55 UTC  

it's useful to say a gun is always loaded, but it's also more truthful to understand that as being subjective over realistic

2019-02-07 05:35:28 UTC  

I want them to quit talking about taking action against apostates. Because when one listens to the words of a religion, they tend to feel compelled to agree.

2019-02-07 05:35:33 UTC  

that's the line I draw in the sand between a religious belief and dogmatic belief

2019-02-07 05:36:19 UTC  

and yes Islam is a textbook example of a dogmatic political structure

2019-02-07 05:36:39 UTC  

Communism is also another example

2019-02-07 05:36:44 UTC  

When a religion goes into detail about HOW to kill me, I do not need convincing that it means it literally as a manual of operation.

2019-02-07 05:37:46 UTC  

Buddhists are weird but they tend to not kill many people, at least no more than we usually do already, so I don't care what they do.

2019-02-07 05:37:57 UTC  

although communism is more political than religious, it is still fully dogmatic

2019-02-07 05:38:17 UTC  

Depends on what you think religion is,

2019-02-07 05:39:11 UTC  

the ritual action of a belief

2019-02-07 05:39:32 UTC  

Then most things are religion.

2019-02-07 05:39:47 UTC  

it's best to understand that sooner rather than later

2019-02-07 05:40:13 UTC  

We don't exercise conscious thought for many tasks once we learn how to perform them. We essentially perform rituals all day.

2019-02-07 05:41:49 UTC  

Yes we do, we perform all kinds of rituals in pursuit of an ideal

2019-02-07 05:41:49 UTC  

We do not consider how or why it worked, but we got the result, so we continue with the ritual, fully believing that it will always get us the good result. This leads to a loss of caution over time.

2019-02-07 05:43:55 UTC  

I believe in balance. Not in a Buddhist way, or Taoist. But pragmatically. I do however believe in ideas that are so beneficial to humanity as a whole that I am perfectly willing to fight and die for them, irrationally.

2019-02-07 05:45:12 UTC  

Many see this as having no stance at all, which is dumb.

2019-02-07 05:46:16 UTC  

Though I suppose the stance of not taking too much of a stance, is a bit more complicated than the average ideal.

2019-02-07 05:48:37 UTC  

I have studied Buddhism, and a little bit of Taoism but not much. I know a girl that's Hindu and follows the vedas.

2019-02-07 05:49:48 UTC  

They are considered more of a philosophy, and they do have their own dogmas for sure

2019-02-07 05:50:12 UTC  

Hindu is DEFINITELY a religion.

2019-02-07 05:50:16 UTC  

there is a lot of corruption in India between politics and religion

2019-02-07 05:50:47 UTC  

Taoism is as well. Buddhism is like... A strange half-religion.

2019-02-07 05:50:49 UTC  

she is Hindu but she is Buddhist

2019-02-07 05:51:05 UTC  

or she believes in a lot of Buddhist philosophy

2019-02-07 05:51:37 UTC  

and Hindu is also kind of like Jewish in where it is also an ethnicity as well as a religion

2019-02-07 05:51:38 UTC  

Yeah Buddhism has elements of religion but also lacks other parts you expect in a religion.

2019-02-07 05:52:40 UTC  

so she comes from a hindu background but she is more Buddhist and also reads the vedas

2019-02-07 05:53:02 UTC  

I think that they are all wrong precisely because they have religious tendencies. Except Buddhism actually.

2019-02-07 05:53:21 UTC  

well you can't be wrong if you don't ever put your money on the table

2019-02-07 05:53:42 UTC  

Buddhism encourages the thing I dislike religion for. Introspection and exploration.

2019-02-07 05:54:15 UTC  

Religion almost universally shackles you.

2019-02-07 05:54:32 UTC  

Tells you to introspect everything BUT THE RELIGION.