Message from @AltCelt(IL)
Discord ID: 365278590197039125
Lesbians don't exist
What do you think of Ben Klassen?
I read Nature's Eternal Religion. Alot of the material and points have potential, but the WCC lost any potential after it got hit.
That book was the most influential to me. Classic work.
i know Creativity is inherently anti-Christian
but i don't know if the apologetics given as responses are intellectually sound or if they're mental gymnastics & we should follow occam's razor
Can't say much about Creativity, it doesn't exist in Europe and it's unpopular in USA as well, but points to Klassen for taking part in the struggle I guess.
did Rockwell and Klassen know about each other or collaborate?
I doubt it since Klassen started his church a decade after GLR's death.
i'm not an expert on Klassen
Btw, I linked Anton Holzner's book here yesterday, here's another scan from SS Warrior-Poet Kurt Eggers, you will undoubtedly find it interesting.
thank you immensely
@Kombat-Unit um creativity is pretty big in England brah
I know a higher up guy who goes to the gathering every year
Big if True
Does anybody know what Shelbyville is like? Is this event going to be like a Pikeville 2.0 or a Cville 2.0?
Is this for October?
but that figure has been proven wrong...
Oy vey
Rip the 6 million gyspies that died in the holocaust
@AltCelt(IL) hahah don't show up with your nikes and a muscle shirt this time
Hmmm. Considering getting back on Wikipedia and improving our articles there
there's no actual article for TWP, just Tradyouth with a tiny section on TWP. I could change that pretty easily
@donkeykickboxer To be fair, though, @AltCelt(IL) rocks the muscle shirt. Not strictly Party-approved attire, I'll grant
Does anyone have a full resolution TWP logo?
the current one
good question
and yes, if u could change that
itd be swell
I'm writing it now
At least drafting it. I'll ask for review before I actually publish
Lol I'm not bashing him he's my bro
I'm still an admin there, so I should have enough clout to make the article stick
I have this on my comp, btw
Is that the official one you want in the article?
Alright, I'll use it