Message from @Chnoubis
Discord ID: 390602486739763202
was with a russian girl named katia
Dalmatia is Celt...we taking that shit back nugga
Hey @here curious why niggers stink was banned
This is what he said:
"This entire server, along with Hamback, can dump my dick. If you continue this with "Big Tentis-mom", you will shift all the shit you have picked up. Fuck you all mother, along with Hamback."
Yeah fuck that guy
Who? niggers stink?
You beef in another discord?
Damn that is actually a good translation
Lol, not really, but ppl get the point
dump should be suck but ok
Minus the whole "propensity for posting 500 lbs nigress porn" thing @Spiritchef
didn't know that
Idk if that's why he's not here, but that was a thing
"Sometimes it is useful to crush an argument with many words, but other times it makes more sense to insert the needle into the spinal chord and watch them crumple."
Xav @Bob Oliver
Let's just not do invites for a few hours.
can we make these channels private, and have a vetting lobby
just give current members a "vetted" role
No. We don't need to invest in infrastructure that's going to be largely abandoned in a week.
fair enough
James mason himself wants to join the server can I get an invite
As long as he agrees to respect the legacy of Sharon Tate and join us in watching her classic films.
Xav says that he's a activist and not just some random shitposter on the internet, he legitmately wants to join the server
He can wait if he wants to join so bad fam
A few hours
I've never seen you before. Your name includes "Lucifer." And you are requesting an invite code immediately after I went on a spaghetti-flinging banfest. This feels like a recipe for another flood of Esoteric Mansonism.
He can wait until I get the Matrix server up and y'all can just do nothing but copy-paste sections of Siege into the channel non-stop, 24/7, even on our holidays.
what features will the matrix server have?
will we have custom dank reacts
Probably not. I really have no idea what user features it will have.
All I care about is tying it into the member management framework.