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^ This book is so good I even reccomend it to people that aren't on the path towards EH, eg. christians. It explains the Sun, the giver of Life, and the Lightning, the taker of life and how people used this
For example, Hitler lost the war because he was all Sun and not enough Lightning. The last Avatar will be a perfect balance.

Now you've reached Serrano, and dug deeper into the rabbit hole.
Serrano was a Chilean Esoteric Hitlerist that was inspired by Savitri Devi's works, and he wrote multiple books on the subject like the one above, along with a few others. He spent the rest of his life researching occultism in NS and Esoteric Hitlerism.

read siege by james mason

Hitler is the avatar of Vishnu


@Northbabe I have meditated before and I still do, but I havent tried their thingies because as I said their sources are unreliable.

And evola being caught up in metaphysics isnt an argument, read metaphysics of war / sex where he touches on more earthly things

Of course it's part of the worldview, nothing is outside the scope of the worldview.
Meditation is a sort of tool towards the gods.

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