Message from @lurlina | WV
Discord ID: 349262954471882755
Anyone with snapchat, add me: fashygoy1488
Brilliant work by somebody
More obvious than the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, but somebody did something original for once.
Dont sleep on this get a move on! @everyone Hey Fam!
I need your help. Here is a list of companies that were upset their ads went up on my TV spot. The only one who didn't pull ad was Toyota. My next car will be a Toyota! kek Here is a list of companies that pulled their support:
Medical Weight Loss Specialists 701-205-3088
Jaeger Furniture in Fergus Falls (218) 739-4675
A Cutting Edge Jewelry (701) 356-7700
Toyota, Riverview Place (BASED!!!) (480) 655-4400 Thank them!
CHI Living Community 701.237.4700
Subway Subway Corporate number 1-800-888-4848 call them and let them know how you feel.
The Bowler (701) 235-7588
Burner phone with 701 area code is best or
*67 then you phone number to block caller ID.
Recomended response: "I'm a ND resident and I enjoy the Point of View program on KVLY. Please do not pull your ads because they are trying to report every side of the story. That is why we watch them and that is why we support companies that have ads on there. Thank You."
Short and sweet.
I know some of the owners and of course I understand in this political climate they are just doing what they think is best for their businesses; let's prove them wrong. Some companies made harder stances than others but still calls would help.
Leftist rag article about POV (Point of View/local news) controversy:
Also, I need intel on this group. Red River Valley Democratic Socialists of America Ive gotten much info already on local antifa members so ty for that.
Peter (aka Chad aka Chan Munster)
@Chad Radkersburg-ND Ill forward that group to my colleagues.
Also you are from N. Dakota?
Just asking my new VK anyone on there add me
The Cucked Boys
They must be proud of living in Zionist occupied America
Bad news boys phones off starting tomorrow til Friday :(
Literal clown world
Hell yeah!!!!!!
They are starting to put together the lawsuit agents the town
Hello all! TipTipTopKek here, the same guy from Disqus etc. Out in Flyover country, looking to interact with TWP guys.
Sonnenrad! Sonnenrad! sieg hiel hier kommen wir!
Father of Ma'Lik Richmond
Tor free link to DS
Okay @everyone. RootBocks just re-enabled PayPal as a payment option. However, we ABSOLUTELY MUST keep this news in our circles. I will not be blasting this out over Twitter because the anti-Whites will have a field day reporting it to PayPal and they'll shut it down again. If you want to donate, fine. If not, fine. However, please share this news with those that you know, but please don't advertise it outside of our circles. I want to wait another couple of weeks until thing simmer down more before announcing it to the world.
do you need a buisness account for rootbocks?
@Chad Radkersburg-ND I have a PayPal Merchant account for RootBocks. What I need now is a credit/debit card processor that I can setup a merchant account with. Stripe shut me down and is taking its sweet ass time.
ull be able to help me when theyre done?
I don't understand the question
Hav3 you looked at square payments service @Jossur Surtrson
They can do direct to account
No merchant middleman or gay account system like paypal