Message from @Str3tch
Discord ID: 646046066457837606
Would hang on wall
str3tch2b69 str3tchnogroup
only whites
@esotericpazuzuism what is this stuff? lol
epic stuff from the general
gene clusters
handcrafted <:dab:395562678153904128>
PCA graph
there're real cumer out there
I want a baby Yoda 😩
people trying to get a person unbanned on this server
Now this one is funny
“I’m British” - black guy
“Then why don’t you pay reparations to Africa?” - a actual British person
@Monstrous Moonshine where did you get the Brit bong picture
I saw that meme some time ago and just searched "i'm British no Spencer meme" on Google images wifi
It directed me here
@ShadowHentai Linus is def a coomer
Idk maybe if he coomed harder his kids would look more like him.
Looks like perfectly healthy Finns to me