Message from @esotericpazuzuism
Discord ID: 646854451252035597
driver should be dead from that but knowing brazilians ajajajaaja huehue
I still love how that girl was so fat the tiny guy couldnt move her
but props for being a man and trying
interestingly tho ive never met a fat brazilian that wasnt also in shape
they do have some heavy girls (tho v rare) but they tend to be in shape somehow.
probably 20lbs of chicken fat injected into her ass
they got lucky as fug
Ikea would sell that bed for 2x the price after that
I'd go to Ikea a little more often if that happened
She goes for the Swedish meat balls
It's over for that computer
🅱️ ikachu
@Punished Nada yeah it was dubbed over lmao
whoever did it really nailed the voice
@NukaCola figured it was. The voice was dead on
are you man enough to poo in the loo?
how about maybe just sell me a fucking razor instead of trying to give these retarded moral lessons
That advert seems like kind of a strawman, I've never heard anyone say that it's not okay for a man to cry. There's a difference between keeping your emotions in-check and never expressing them. No idiot would say that it's not okay for a soldier to cry after suffering a horrific and painful injury. Emotions are a useful, except for when they aren't.
But nobody should break down crying at a critical moment, or fly into a rage at an inconvenient time, and more importantly, not all emotions are valid, and should be regarded as such. If nobody cares that you feel a certain way, there's no reason to outwardly express extreme emotion. It makes people see you as pathetic.
@Weaboo Kempeitai don't take indian stuff too seriously
What war did he sustain that injury in? The border skirmishes with China in '62?
These people don't practice what they preach. I guarantee that if I was honest with how I felt all of the time, I'd be called deranged, and most people probably would too. They want men to express emotions but only the ones that neuter them.