Message from @Str3tch
Discord ID: 648944334237990922
jesus christ
I hate the mainstream position on IQ its so stupid
you understand why that position is what it is tho, yeah?
its fucking obvious IQ is mostly genetics, being a human is mostly about genetics
People are a product of their enviroment
>race is just a social construct
>evolution affects everything but the brain
@Str3tch people who control public opinion are blinded by hate and resentment and would rather force people to believe lies out of spite than to let people learn the truth.
the entire leftwing political project collapses when it's universally understood that different populations are inherently unequal.
genetics research is advancing every day, and people are freaking out
science journalists and leftwing STEM academics are holding closed-door conclaves trying to strategize and figure out how they will combat "Scientific hate"
fuck em
it would be a massive blow to their preferred version of liberal democracy
in their minds, it would endanger any version of liberal democracy
mister gorbachof, tear down this liberal democracy
Papa bless
im trying to fast
so please no grasshoppers thnx
Chinese taking lessons from the Js on Western subversion <:MonkaS:585878390825811981>
this could've been us veronica
Pretty sure I bought one of those crates a decade ago
you bought a 38 year old czech stripper?
how much did she charge