Message from @Knark_Fri
Discord ID: 653947874907914240
that's not her most flattering angle
Needs more milkers
^more memes like this pls?^
ooof lol
although I'd rather have this than be like a fat angry incel or something.
blackpilled again...
the virgin unterjuden vs the chad übergoy
Should I learn DF?
its like an ethnostate simulator
Not if you have any current obligations and lack a sizable supply of ritilin.
Though I hear there are alterative UIs you can get that make things easier.
my favorite part of dwarf fortress BY FAR is flooding the outside of my fortress with water or lava to get rid of enemies
its so satisfying
I don't have a Ritalin prescription.
@Trommm lmao buy it
@Opsal Conservatism isn’t that bad... Look at how liberal our policies are!
Lazy noob pack makes dwarf fortress easy.