Message from @Hector
Discord ID: 634821965701578775
We Wuz Vikings
Not just haplogroup signals
what is this photo
It is a character from the book the Illiad. Read some literature, pleb. @Medman
He was a med bull
@Skyrim EthnoNationalist yeah, Achilles killed him after Achilles' mom sucked the gods off for that super armor
I think Iām catching the flu š·
Why are Greeks gay
Srs question
Hector <:CHAD:396569198404435969>
Most of the good Europeans died out last century. Anyone who had any conviction
achilles was sad his bf died yes
no im not dead <:CHAD:396569198404435969>
muh house
i am here
I want my wife to be a cute apolitical med waifu <:impotentrage:552803856535257090> <:impotentrage:552803856535257090>
if i don't get one im sueing god for racism
Women should be apoltical but racist
If you marry a wn your life will be one big Twitter feed
Women are only political for attention
has this been discussed yet?