Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 640110458866499614
kaiser is back!
the real kaiser was sending me friend requests
that's why that cat's emoji should be called : enocat :
he's planning something
bad conscience came about through the slaves, not the elites
@Trommm all we know if you have it, you know rape in and of itself isn't good. it's 99% of the time not the correct or good way to go about things
it's more than that though
as in, it doesn't produce good for the people there and then, and long term
You break through pragmatism with miracles
and then there is the hegelian master slave dialectic and all that jazz
its metaphysical aspect of the spirit and other similar things that different religions talk about
its real
In the long term, that's maybe it
personal revelation through god
but what if someone rapes a woman,
results in a baby,
that baby goes on to cure cancer and save a billion lives..
so ultimately was the rape good?
good outcome for you and your people
A system needs justification before pragmatism can be bound inside of it
on average
you can only rape if you can get away with it
Let's say someone came on the scene who just walked through a hospital healing hundreds of people
Instant religious base
which is only under very rare circumstances
you're asking me to describe a billion things at the same time @Trommm
liek during suc cesfukl geniocides
@troglodytes Rape is pointless if you don't have the power to keep the mother from aborting.
well, that is why you rape in excess tromm
no, that word is a billion things
you're asking me to describe everything good
Ban, lol
genghis khan was the ultimate chad because of how much seed he spread. Sure some killed themselves and so forth, but in the grand scheme of things, he had a lot of offspring
You define what is pragmatic by defining the system
And treating the rest as a black box
The initial input is what is needed as justification
i.e. a miracle I think
all justification is ad hoc
@Deleted User A miracle is outside that
the idea is if you behave in a way that deeply hurts people, they eventuially will get rid of you