Message from @ALternativeToLife

Discord ID: 640811923474087956

2019-11-04 07:16:35 UTC  

White is synonymous with europoid and yes Europeans came up with this term

2019-11-04 07:16:39 UTC  

@Banjod since when? <:steflol:561214382181318656> <:Banjod:639988401176707112>

2019-11-04 07:16:40 UTC  

Did you see what I spoke of yesterday w/ respect to Hitler's time in Vienna @Nerthulas ?

2019-11-04 07:16:43 UTC  


2019-11-04 07:16:47 UTC  

@TuerSchlossEnteiser so has the definition of Christian

2019-11-04 07:16:55 UTC  

maybe that's because its not the name which is important, but the reality which it describes @TuerSchlossEnteiser

2019-11-04 07:16:56 UTC  

@Nerthulas yes, ultimately whites will be fighting against Christians if they want to survive.

2019-11-04 07:17:09 UTC  

Read what I wrote <:sleeb:640412152867323904>

2019-11-04 07:17:11 UTC  

@Str3tch I have had 2 definitions for a long time. I call what I call white before germanid

2019-11-04 07:17:12 UTC  

Every time I want to give Christianity credit Catholics say something retarded

2019-11-04 07:17:15 UTC  

i have ancient pieces of greek pottery that says otherwise 😄

2019-11-04 07:17:17 UTC  

I wonder if they will cancel all the Q&As this week at TPUSA

2019-11-04 07:17:18 UTC  

@TheUserNameofPeace I didn't see that

2019-11-04 07:17:19 UTC  

This moment of irreligiousness is to be used

2019-11-04 07:17:20 UTC  

Militarily nobody is a challenge to whites except other whites.

2019-11-04 07:17:21 UTC  

i guarantee you no one with any power is worried what some loser in a trailer park thinks, no matter how white he is. there is just a subset of whites that bothers them, the ones with community and values (christianity) and the belief in fighting for them

2019-11-04 07:17:28 UTC  

Jesus said to coom

2019-11-04 07:17:39 UTC  


2019-11-04 07:17:40 UTC  

it was blacks, african americans, people of color, melanoids, blacks in less than 40 years .... so tell me again whiteness is real ....
it's a concept the sin peddlers ram down our throats and they rammed it down the anglosphere throats way harder than european throats

2019-11-04 07:17:48 UTC  

A Christian

2019-11-04 07:17:51 UTC  


2019-11-04 07:17:52 UTC  

it doens't matter if its real

2019-11-04 07:17:56 UTC  

what's fuckign real

2019-11-04 07:18:02 UTC  

do you guys know what's real

2019-11-04 07:18:04 UTC  

we don't know shit

2019-11-04 07:18:06 UTC  


2019-11-04 07:18:13 UTC  

what's real is what gets results

2019-11-04 07:18:16 UTC  

@TuerSchlossEnteiser you really want me to got through what white is?

2019-11-04 07:18:19 UTC  

@TuerSchlossEnteiser You don't think people were able to figure out what black was during segregation?

2019-11-04 07:18:35 UTC  

@TuerSchlossEnteiser White is synonymous with europoid and yes Europeans came up with this term <:sleeb:640412152867323904>

2019-11-04 07:18:40 UTC  

Tuer saying that race is not only a social construct, but was pushed as an idea by evil people <:steflol:561214382181318656>

2019-11-04 07:18:44 UTC  

White is a measurement of your genetic distance from Banjod.

2019-11-04 07:18:52 UTC  

there's no way we can trust these people in our movement long term

2019-11-04 07:19:00 UTC  

I'm fking blackpilled

2019-11-04 07:19:01 UTC  

@Banjod no, because I already agree with you
but there are different planes and on some it applies very well - biology
and on others not so well

2019-11-04 07:19:14 UTC  

@Bob Bob that's why the sachlers took it upon themselves to murder millions of piss poor whites with legal heroine, yup

2019-11-04 07:19:26 UTC  

i think they did that for $$$

2019-11-04 07:19:28 UTC  

@iippo I gave a timeframe ...
40 years

2019-11-04 07:19:47 UTC  

@Nerthulas denouncing Christ might be a prerequisite for full trust of a fellow white.

2019-11-04 07:19:50 UTC  

@Nerthulas Fuentes vs. Spencer (and the scene more widely) reminds me of the Germanic-salvation movements of young Hitler's Vienna.
He juxtaposes the more populist, pro-Christian Christian-Socialists of Mayor Luger and the Pan-European movement which was JQ woke, more aristocratic, and took a parliamentary path.
These were two primary points of real world learning (by examining their failures) for Hitler.
He makes it clear he took lessons away from each of their failings. And those are rather evident in NS.