Message from @My Name Is Hate

Discord ID: 323196419462660100

2017-06-10 18:28:42 UTC  

Kept Antifa on their toes. I was ripping on Captalism and Communism but then others were talking about how Capo is the answer 😂 they didnt know what to think

2017-06-10 18:28:56 UTC  

Well.. I do lol

2017-06-10 18:29:58 UTC  

Any secular regimes trying to crack down on shit I guess lop

2017-06-10 18:30:33 UTC  

Remember. Muslims are the viktums

2017-06-10 18:30:42 UTC  


2017-06-10 18:30:45 UTC  


2017-06-10 18:30:54 UTC  

Capitalism sorry lol

2017-06-10 18:31:12 UTC  

ofc lol

2017-06-10 18:31:26 UTC  

Many Libertatians. Ok people though. Whatever I guess lol

2017-06-10 18:57:28 UTC  

Ancapitards or Libertardians, either name works and I've taken to calling them both. They want a largely ineffective partial solution that leaves (((the powers that control the markets))) in charge _and they think they'll be just fine under their Jew masters._ Pathetic

2017-06-10 20:16:47 UTC  

Oregon sign blames Jews for 9-11 - Israel National News

2017-06-10 20:17:21 UTC  


2017-06-10 20:22:45 UTC

2017-06-10 20:22:53 UTC  


2017-06-10 20:23:23 UTC  

Spreading the Good Word

2017-06-10 20:23:35 UTC  

Comment 2, a troll or....

2017-06-10 20:26:17 UTC  

Thats wat i mean lol

2017-06-10 20:26:22 UTC  

Thats about all we can do

2017-06-10 20:26:26 UTC  

..for now

2017-06-10 20:26:52 UTC  

Hebrew underscore

2017-06-10 20:27:11 UTC  

Gas fired ovens sold cheap

2017-06-10 20:28:04 UTC  

Opening a lampshades, soap, & oven shop. Any investors?

2017-06-10 20:46:43 UTC  

An excellent show with Sven Longshanks. If you love history and finding the origins of the fake jews, this is a must listen.

2017-06-10 20:54:40 UTC  

Even if this is a complete fabrication by our side, it's convincing enough to discourage even the most ardent heeb. Learn it, use it, smash their pride in their mud race.

2017-06-10 21:20:40 UTC  

Some she-boons tried to take my sons water squirters at the splash park today. My wife made the teen-apers hand them over since we were trying to leave after celebrating my sons bday. They called dey moms on dere sale foams, and then followed us to our cars. I told them to go follow someone else in a certain tone and they stared at the ground. Really they were scoping the cars to describe them and us to dey cousins and somethin.

2017-06-10 21:21:46 UTC  

Fucking ridiculous. They were the real dark ones too.

2017-06-10 21:22:37 UTC  

Purple bitches.

2017-06-10 21:23:41 UTC  

Flashy goy TomW and I did a IRL meet up at Gettysburg today for the 100th anniversary of the Virginia monument.

2017-06-10 21:24:23 UTC  

I hope to meet him August 12th.

2017-06-10 21:24:44 UTC

2017-06-10 21:26:19 UTC  


2017-06-10 21:26:52 UTC

2017-06-10 21:29:47 UTC

2017-06-10 21:30:12 UTC  

@JTThrasher (TWP-Lynchburg, Va.)
Another Gemini in the family. Nice.

2017-06-10 21:33:39 UTC  


2017-06-10 21:42:30 UTC  

My DOT Stahlhelm arrived today. I'll be wearing this in Charlottesville.

2017-06-10 21:42:43 UTC

2017-06-10 21:53:10 UTC  

A bold statement 21 years ago.

2017-06-10 21:54:06 UTC  

@JTThrasher (TWP-Lynchburg, Va.)
Your son is a Gemini?
Said his birthday was the other day.

2017-06-10 21:57:35 UTC  

That was a fairly controversial thing for Jackson to say, for the time. I remember the reporting on it and the reporting was what introduced a much younger me to what a "kike" was, anyway.

2017-06-10 22:02:50 UTC  

He was as mainstream as they come, so I felt he deserved an honorable mention for his bravery.