Message from @Henry’s come to see us!

Discord ID: 655166711275847703

2019-12-13 21:33:41 UTC  

Just came across some interesting text on Canada during World War I

2019-12-13 21:33:45 UTC  

Thought I'd share it

2019-12-13 21:35:31 UTC  

“There were screams of German soldiers, terror-shaken by the flash of light in their eyes, and black faces above them, and bayonets already red with blood,” wrote Phillip Gibbs of one Canadian raid. “It was butcher’s work, quick and skilful … Thirty Germans were killed before the Canadians went back.”

At the War Museum in Ottawa, visitors can see a case filled with the fearsome homemade weapons that Canadians trench raiders plunged into the faces and chests of their enemy: Meat cleavers, push daggers and spiked clubs.

All imperial units were encouraged to conduct trench raids, Canadians were widely regarded as trench raiding’s most enthusiastic practitioners and innovators.

They wore thick rubber gloves and blackened their faces for maximum stealth. They crafted homemade pipe bombs and grenade catapults to increase their killing power. They continued raiding even while other colonial units abandoned the practice. “No one wants to go anymore,” was how one Australian officer described their abandonment of the practice.

Canadian trench raiders were eventually able to penetrate up to one kilometre behind enemy lines, dealing surprise death to Germans who had every reason to believe they were safe from enemy bayonets. In the days before the attack on Vimy Ridge, trench raids of up to 900 men were hurled at enemy lines on a nightly basis. These were essentially mini-battles, except instead of holding ground attackers were merely expected to sow death, chaos and then disappear.

2019-12-13 21:36:39 UTC  

Germans were whiney bitches though. Complained that the Americans used shotguns but used mustard gas and flamethrowers.

2019-12-13 21:37:46 UTC  

Infantryman Richard Rogerson went on a killing spree at Vimy Ridge after seeing the death of his friend. “Once I killed my first German with my bayonet my blood was riled, every german I could not reach with my bayonet I shot. I think no more of murdering them than I usted to think of shooting rabbits,” he wrote.

2019-12-13 21:39:08 UTC  

By war’s end, the Canadian Corps’ reputation as an army of “no mercy” was known all across Northern France and was helped along by Canadian bar boasts to that effect. “You will very seldom now hear of the Canadians taking prisoners, they take them to some quiet spot and then it is a case of the dead may march,” officer C.V. Williams wrote in a letter to his father. Soldier Clifford Rogers bragged “the Germans call us the white Ghurkha,” a reference to famously ruthless Ghurkha soldiers from Nepal who served with the British Indian army.

2019-12-13 21:39:41 UTC  

Major single-handedly captured 93 German soldiers during the Battle of the Scheldt in Zeeland in the southern Netherlands.[6] During a reconnaissance, while alone, he spotted two German soldiers walking along a dike. As it was raining and cold, Major said to himself, "I am frozen and wet because of you so you will pay."[5] He captured the first German and attempted to use him as bait so he could capture the other. The second attempted to use his gun, but Major quickly killed him. He went on to capture their commanding officer and forced him to surrender. The German garrison surrendered themselves after three more were shot dead by Major. In a nearby village, SS troops who witnessed German soldiers being escorted by a Canadian soldier shot at their own soldiers, killing seven and injuring a few. Major disregarded the enemy fire and kept escorting his prisoners to the Canadian front line. Major then ordered a passing Canadian tank to fire on the SS troops. He marched back to camp with nearly a hundred prisoners. Thus, he was chosen to receive a Distinguished Conduct Medal. He declined the invitation to be decorated, however, because according to him General Montgomery (who was to give the award) was "incompetent" and in no position to be giving out medals

2019-12-13 21:41:34 UTC  

He got another Distinguished Conduct Medel in Korea also.

2019-12-13 21:42:36 UTC  

Very based

2019-12-13 21:51:52 UTC  

The monument at Vimy Ridge was Hitler's favourite memorial from World War I, because it is a monument to peace, not a celebration of war.

There are no carved guns at Vimy Ridge, no helmeted soldiers, no stacks of cannonballs. Instead, the figures are of Canada grieving for her lost sons.

Hitler went to Vimy Ridge on June 2, 1940, called in the world's press as best he could and insisted they take his picture on the unscathed steps. He then assigned special troops from the Waffen-SS to guard Vimy Ridge "lest we incur the full wrath of the Canadians."

Hitler's plan was a great success. All the Australian war graves in France from World War I were destroyed in World War II. But the Canadian cemetery beside Vimy Ridge and the memorial itself remained unmolested because the Waffen-SS did its job.

2019-12-13 21:53:40 UTC

2019-12-13 21:57:46 UTC  


2019-12-13 21:57:49 UTC  
2019-12-13 21:57:50 UTC  


2019-12-13 21:57:53 UTC  


2019-12-13 21:58:27 UTC  

does the female panel for a phenotype not look like the male panel run through a female photo filter

2019-12-13 21:58:36 UTC  

you get what you fucking ordered

2019-12-13 21:58:37 UTC  


2019-12-13 21:59:20 UTC  

The implication being that ...hmmmm..... "scientists" are lying?

2019-12-13 21:59:55 UTC  

@Henry’s come to see us! do you want the movie watching role?

2019-12-13 22:00:06 UTC  

to get pinged when a movie is being streamed?

2019-12-13 22:00:26 UTC

2019-12-13 22:00:37 UTC  

SCIENCE! lies sometimes!

2019-12-13 22:00:38 UTC  

Yes please

2019-12-13 22:04:33 UTC

2019-12-13 22:05:17 UTC  


2019-12-13 22:11:13 UTC

2019-12-13 22:11:57 UTC  
2019-12-13 22:12:13 UTC  


2019-12-13 22:12:24 UTC  

After 11hrs I am finally free from my wage cage

2019-12-13 22:12:35 UTC  

you know

2019-12-13 22:12:36 UTC  


2019-12-13 22:12:37 UTC  

the 'coomer' meme

2019-12-13 22:12:41 UTC  

was originally a biz meme

2019-12-13 22:12:45 UTC  

and meant something different