Message from @BigGuyUUUU
Discord ID: 463423393140572170
Shadilay my brother
I have a question I've been throwing around, and many people have been touching on parts of it, but not the idea as a whole.
There seems to be a westernized civil war coming for all of the particular western states and countries that have been bullied by the black block communists. I've seen people mention it in their particular area, but what about the big picture, the macro of it? What are your thoughts on that?
It also seems that, while this may be an over simplification, many of the cancerous ideologies and institutions that are eating out the success of these places from the inside out, many can be equated to socialism if not communism.
We might not be 'Sargon of Akkad' or able to talk to him, but this actually isn't a bad place for similar minded people to discuss these things a bit.
Also, while we may not be able to post in twitter-degeneracy or laughing-stock, we can still catch the feed, so, still a perk, eh?
i agree
Does the agree command even do anything?
! agree