Message from @Skellington

Discord ID: 674141774750679071

2020-02-01 21:56:41 UTC  


2020-02-03 05:00:56 UTC I made a video about "Never Again" and basically how we can use the left wings and cathedrals biggest weapon against right wing dissidents that being the Holocaust and use it against them and to advance our cause of ethnic identity.

2020-02-03 05:29:17 UTC  

@WanderingRusski I don't really think that sort of verbal trickery works.

2020-02-03 05:30:00 UTC  

We didn't take from the lessons of the Holocaust that ethnic replacement/genocide is bad. We took from it that the West is evil and racist.

2020-02-03 05:30:33 UTC  

Ethnic genocide is a-okay in the Left's book. Just take a look at Vaush.

2020-02-03 05:33:43 UTC  

Thats the current way of looking at it, Bringing up the Holocaust is the biggest weapon that crushes any sort of "Far" right wing thought but if we appropriate it and use it as a way to advance the ethnic interests of peoples of European decent we can cut their biggest weapon and use its heavy moral weight in our favor. @Mister_Geocon

2020-02-03 05:34:51 UTC  

No, it's only an effective weapon against us.

2020-02-03 05:35:30 UTC  

We have to actually counter the Left wing's narrative if we want to actually... you know, counter it.

2020-02-03 05:39:12 UTC  

To me we counter the left wing narrative by changing in peoples minds the moral lessons of the Holocaust. Instead of them using this piece of history to wack us over the head we use it to advance our interests. Displacing, Dehumanizing and then Replacing a People in their homelands is a crime, Why do you want to do it to white people? That sort of thing. How would you counter it?

2020-02-03 08:55:59 UTC  

You will not convince a Leftist to shoot themselves with the bullet meant for you. Linguistic trickery does not work on them. Ignore the "Never Again" tactic or blow right past it with a stronger emotional argument.

2020-02-03 15:18:48 UTC  

@WanderingRusski I agree with Geocon on this. While I obviously agree that destroying and replacing Europeans is evil, you won't be able to use the Holocaust as an argument against it. On the contrary, the Holocaust is the very foundation of justification for what is being done to us today. The narrative goes that any ethnic pride by Europeans is evil because it will result in Auschwitz. This is the image that has been ingrained in people's minds from the Holocaust. It's why people are so afraid to join the dissident right. And there is ZERO chance you'll be able to change that because the very people who were the target of the Holocaust are the ones advocating for the destruction of the West today and they're using the Holocaust as their moral justification. They'll say it means Europeans are evil and they'll accuse you of being like Hitler (which they do). And their word on it matters more than anyone else's.

Here's how I approach it. While I acknowledge that the Holocaust was an injustice, it's not historically unique in any way and it's only been so ingrained in the public consciousness to push the anti-white agenda. No one alive today needs to feel guilty over it. Everyone has the right to maintain their own self-determination and what our ancestors did is irrelevant because killing is so common throughout history. I also go on the offensive and I accuse them of using the Holocaust, which happened decades ago, to justify evil in the present day.

2020-02-03 18:27:41 UTC  

@WanderingRusski No wonder I felt that there was something wrong with the video but I didn't understand why other than you using the word "genocide" to describe the displacement of Europeans. In addition to what Geocon and Endeavour said (which was something I couldn't have thought of sooner) most normal people and the far-left dismiss the genocide as a conspiracy theory by fascists and Neo-Nazis.

However, at the same time, the far left admits in the _mainstream media_ that the demographic shifts are a good thing. Meaning when a right winger says that about demographics, it's bad and conspiratorial to the far left but it's good when a left winger says that. That's why we should avoid the term "white genocide" and refer to it as "the great replacement" or "demographic displacement". It just sounds like bad optics to the public that isn't aware of it yet.

2020-02-03 18:37:18 UTC  
2020-02-03 19:06:45 UTC  

Yeah I agree @Louis XIV (aka 1685Violin) optics and how we present our arguments are really important. If we focus on the right of groups of people being able to preserve their identity we will win. If they make us out to be jew hating holocaust deniers then the public could just easily dismiss us as knuckle dragging neo Nazis.

2020-02-03 19:13:09 UTC  

@Endeavour I think I'll agree that we shouldn't use the holocaust as the main sticking point or mention it first but if someone does bring it up to discredit our ideas or during the week of "Holocaust rememberence" we have a way we can twist the argument towards our favor. Remember we can't let the left define the moral paradigm. Our options for when they bring up this event is either deny it (not good factually or optically) or twist the moral message to our favor

2020-02-03 19:56:28 UTC  

@WanderingRusski Yeah, but if you tried to say that the Great Replacement is akin to the Holocaust, every Jewish organization under the sun would denounce you and claim that by opposing immigration, you're doing what the Nazis did. Depending on how influential you are, they might even try to sue you or get you charged with hate speech. They own the whole "never again" narrative and they decide what it means. They've decided that "never again" means Europeans can never again be proud of their civilization and try to preserve it. Like I said, my strategy is to just say that it's irrelevant accuse of them of using Hitler and the Holocaust to justify evil. The idea is to get the Hitler card to lose it's effect.

2020-02-03 19:57:08 UTC  
2020-02-03 20:01:53 UTC  

The point is that the Holocaust has been ingrained in white people's minds for a very specific purpose, to prevent them from advocating their own interests. The goal needs to be to simply remove the wiring.

2020-02-03 20:46:22 UTC  


2020-02-03 20:47:49 UTC  

Jews want to hold us, just like with anyone else, under their control.

2020-02-04 06:38:44 UTC  

Also the great replacement is not a a genocide

2020-02-04 06:38:58 UTC  

They aren't litterally killing us

2020-02-04 06:39:11 UTC  

Hyperbole won't get you anywhere

2020-02-04 15:19:00 UTC  

@Skellington Well, it is if we are using the UN definition of the word of counting ethnic replacement as genocide.

2020-02-04 15:19:21 UTC  


2020-02-04 15:49:32 UTC  

@Skellington To be clear, I agree with you that the word "genocide" is hyperbolic but this is what they said about the Ameridians from both North and South America but at the same time, don't care about Turkey denying the Armenian and Greek genocide.

2020-02-05 17:47:27 UTC  

@Skellington So genocide doesn't have to be about killing, it can be about Replacing a population.

2020-02-05 17:48:31 UTC  

Under the UN definition (as gay as the UN is) the replacement is considered a genocide.

2020-02-05 17:49:40 UTC  

If you don't want to use some other term "extinction" I think is appropriate substitute.

2020-02-08 16:18:35 UTC  

Using the word genocide is hyperbolic and UN definition semantics aren't rhetorically convincing. I even struggle with "Replacement" even though it's a better descriptor.

2020-02-08 16:19:48 UTC  

Dispossession is the word I would use

2020-02-08 16:20:11 UTC  

When you evoke the word genocide, everyone has a mental image of what that looks like. That image doesn't match isn't happening in the West so it's easy to dismiss the speaker.

2020-02-08 16:21:30 UTC  

Replacement evokes imagery as well that actually kind of works. It passes the emotional and ethical argument check quite well.

2020-02-08 16:23:48 UTC  

'Replacement' gets a little harder to argue around the logical argumentation because on the micro level, nobody is being literally replaced. Everyone is still here, minus those murdered by our new neighbors. Of course on the macro level, a population is being replaced. But then again, white people don't exist, race is a social construct, and it all doesn't matter anyway bigot.

2020-02-08 16:27:01 UTC  

@Zemo 'Dispossession' and 'Reciprocation' are much easier to work with. I don't know if either of them pack quite the emotional punch that genocide or replacement have. So you're playing for less stakes basing an appeal on either of those.