Message from @LuxCo

Discord ID: 572867237376163861

2019-04-30 08:11:50 UTC  

but for others they need more of a gradual push

2019-04-30 08:12:57 UTC  

Like, they need to know they're wrong but they also need to know you love them

2019-04-30 08:27:13 UTC  

This guy is definitely the latter

2019-04-30 08:27:25 UTC  

How do I show him he's wrong tho

2019-04-30 08:30:00 UTC  

Showing him that there is nothign special about his condition, which is just psychosis, and is at best yet another mental illness in the endless list of mental illness that are corrected every day

2019-04-30 08:30:10 UTC  

And at worst and more likely sexual fetishism

2019-04-30 08:30:49 UTC  

He's wrong because he is a man

2019-04-30 08:31:19 UTC  

If he won't even accept basic realities, then he is a retard and I can't imagine what you can do. You can caress him with soft, meaningless words, but that will not do anything

2019-04-30 12:30:48 UTC  

On top of what Mozalbete has said, perhaps natural law? If he reckons he's trans then he surely understands there's an inherent difference between men and women. God clearly made men and women with different strengths/roles/outlooks etc for a reason, and he made each of us a particular sex for a reason.

2019-04-30 12:32:37 UTC  

At the same time though you gotta make it clear that he's always welcome and will always be forgiven, like not the kind of sappy, "accompaniment" and "being pastoral" which means basically be apathetic and let them destroy themselves, but if the person thinks you hate them they're not going to listen to you regardless of how logical you are

2019-04-30 12:33:23 UTC  

its not just about showing them that they're wrong, but showing them that they're broken and need redemption and they could be so much more

2019-04-30 12:37:54 UTC  

people who've invested their perceived identity or their life on a specific belief will naturally push back against what they see as a threat to that, regardless of how rational it is. Someone who met their wife and all their friends and built their career in some sort of political party is going to be a lot harder to convince since they have such an emotional investment in that idea beyond whats rationally true

2019-04-30 12:38:41 UTC  

its the same with this stuff because people think whatever delusion they're having be it trans or gay or whatever is their identity, so they need more than just being convinced intellectually

2019-04-30 12:39:22 UTC  

Don't use words like welcome, since people will hear what they want to hear. In their place use more precise words and expressions that can't imply acceptance of sin

2019-04-30 12:39:52 UTC  

I think what you can do

2019-04-30 12:40:05 UTC  

Is give examples of people who overcame their temptations and sins

2019-04-30 12:40:20 UTC  

And were encouraged and supported in doing so

2019-04-30 12:40:43 UTC  

Joseph Sciambra is a good example to google

2019-04-30 12:41:01 UTC  

he was a gay porn star/prostitute and now hes a catholic and doesn't even believe people are actually gay

2019-04-30 12:41:10 UTC  

real holy dude

2019-04-30 19:29:52 UTC  

What are people opion on here about Faustina and Divine Mercy? I know a little about it

2019-04-30 20:37:24 UTC  

It's pretty cool

2019-04-30 22:28:19 UTC  


2019-05-01 03:34:04 UTC  

Hey guys I have a question, so I’m about to convert to Catholicism but I have one reservation, what happens to my grand parents, they’re Holiness Protestants, they’ve been devoted all their lives to serve Christ, the father, and the Holy Ghost, and they’re some of the goodest people I’ve met and inspired me to believe in Christ, but I’m worried since they aren’t Catholics, so I want to know your guys opinions on what will happen to them?

2019-05-01 03:46:46 UTC  

You can try t o convert them, but you're better off asking your priest about it.

2019-05-01 03:51:38 UTC  


2019-05-01 04:00:51 UTC  

I mean I dont think their church counts as a fufulled day of obligation

2019-05-01 04:04:24 UTC  

extra ecclesiam nulla salus - but pray hard for them. God is the only one who can truly judge our conscience, their situation etc.

2019-05-01 04:06:12 UTC  

Thank you orbit I will cause I love them dearly and I know they trust in Christ

2019-05-01 06:07:27 UTC

2019-05-01 06:08:31 UTC  


2019-05-01 08:12:08 UTC  

simple as

2019-05-01 09:42:03 UTC  

'ate Nestorians
'ate Arians
'ate heretics
'ate schismatic

luv me burnin's
luv me inquisitions
luv me church.
simple as.

2019-05-01 11:38:28 UTC  

Not a bigot, just don't like 'em.

2019-05-01 11:45:22 UTC  

@Mac tíre iarain remember, God is infinitely merciful, loving, and most of all, he is infinitely just. He knows your grandparents' true intentions.

2019-05-01 11:45:50 UTC  

Anybody who is in Hell, despite how harsh it may sound, does deserve to be there.

2019-05-01 12:56:36 UTC  

I've written a generic news-scoop for the latest Papal drama, any thoughts?


This is a developing situation. His Holiness, Pope Francis I, has been accused by several high profile theologians of material heresy. [Screen cut, show panorama of St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City]. It was here where we first heard of this open letter. [Cut to inside of darkened room. Silhouetted figure speaks broken Italian, news-scroll reads "Unnamed Head of Catholic Church".]

[Subtitles narrated by (presumably) Hot Newsfemale:]

This letter that His Holiness has received goes against everything this papacy hates: judgement and calling out of public sinners. The authors probably hope to gain money or even earthly power for themselves in publishing it, and so I will refuse to answer it.


We have reached out to the authors of the letter, but so far to no avail.
N. Reader, Generic News, Facebook.

2019-05-01 12:59:31 UTC  

Missing the declarations from rabbi Shekelsteinberg talking about how much he supports the poor, poor pope

2019-05-01 13:00:30 UTC  

That normally comes through with the later report.

2019-05-01 15:04:58 UTC  

@Mac tíre iarain bit late but, prots aren't damned to hell. Considering how strict Holiness is, I'd expect to see them in heaven. If they are good people and follow God's teachings as best they can, don't worry too much 😊

2019-05-01 15:21:01 UTC  

Alright thanks XD