Message from @Petranadon

Discord ID: 644163461944705024

2019-11-10 13:34:30 UTC  

Smug twat is just getting on my nerves now, plus he's a heretic.

2019-11-10 16:27:42 UTC  

@Based Chav give examples and I will keep him in my patrollings

2019-11-10 23:10:42 UTC  

TLM is the best thing ever

2019-11-10 23:10:46 UTC  

Hands down

2019-11-10 23:10:48 UTC  

Had fun

2019-11-10 23:57:48 UTC  

Went to vespers in English, this evening.

2019-11-10 23:57:56 UTC  

Just wasn't right.

2019-11-11 00:21:50 UTC  

Explain vespers if you can Englishman

2019-11-11 00:21:59 UTC  

Im brannnnnd new to this TLM

2019-11-11 00:39:10 UTC  

@Dang_Isaiah evening prayer service

2019-11-11 01:02:24 UTC  


2019-11-12 12:06:20 UTC  


2019-11-13 11:52:20 UTC  

Could you throw some nice sounding latin words at me?

2019-11-13 12:12:27 UTC  


2019-11-13 12:12:40 UTC  


2019-11-13 12:13:11 UTC  

Deus in adjutoruum me intende. Domine ad juvantum me festina.

2019-11-13 12:14:44 UTC  


2019-11-13 12:14:57 UTC  

Geddafuckoudda here

2019-11-13 13:15:37 UTC  

Non nobis domine; non nobis, sed nomini tuo da gloriam

2019-11-13 19:06:58 UTC  

Gloria Patri
et filio
et Spiritu Sancto

2019-11-13 19:07:11 UTC  


2019-11-13 19:20:03 UTC  


2019-11-13 21:14:45 UTC  

Memento mori

2019-11-13 21:32:29 UTC  

Non mea voluntas, sed tua fiat

2019-11-13 22:24:14 UTC

2019-11-14 03:08:06 UTC

2019-11-14 07:34:01 UTC  

I mean, I agree but that's such a fecking shite argument.

2019-11-14 07:40:19 UTC  

I know

2019-11-14 07:40:30 UTC  

Twas a meme my english friend

2019-11-14 07:41:20 UTC  

Divorce ia a weird subject. I still try to understand the difference between that and annulment

2019-11-14 09:32:15 UTC  

Annulment is a declaration that for some reason there was no marriage in the first place. E.g., one of the persons involved just was a gold digger

2019-11-14 09:33:28 UTC  

Divorce is a modern attempt to pretend one can dissolve a marriage when convenient, breaking every single vow made.

2019-11-14 19:45:43 UTC  

@Mozalbete ⳩ thank you :)

2019-11-14 19:47:08 UTC  

Now keep in mind that in Scripture, sometimes separation is trnaslated as "divorce", while separaton "living separated from the other person" doesn't imply the end of the marriage, and is therefore illegitimate and impossible to remarry.

2019-11-14 21:14:28 UTC  

@Catholic Singing vespers in VC in 15 mins.

2019-11-14 21:22:10 UTC  

Could I listen in?

2019-11-14 21:22:39 UTC  

im also in public with earphones I may not be able to follow along

2019-11-15 19:36:07 UTC  

I'll be singing Compline in VC at 9pm (GMT).

2019-11-15 20:34:09 UTC  

Compline in VC in 30 minutes. Today's psalms can be found below: