Message from @Based Chav
Discord ID: 492620721902714880
I like this guys feeds if you like body building. dom_minnici
Alex Jones never sucked any ding dongs. Donald Trump never sucked any ding dongs. And so what if they did?
neo pagans really do be like that
creationism and evolutionism are not contradictory tbh
theistic evolution is a joke
creationists stay woke
can't say if it's a joke or not
nigger piss
I maintain the position of who cares, does this argument affect the here and now? Will anything change if one is convinced that, say, old world creationism is true. I feel like its a moot argument
big cum
That looks ridiculous.
But credit where credit is due, that probably did take a lot of time and effort.
>wake up
>brain hears alarm
>says this isn't important
>start falling back to sleep
>body says no retard
>yeets me into the side of a metal cot, hard
Good morning I just yote myself across my floor to get to work
I still don't know what yeet means
Great, one of these idiots again
big big cringe
I'll harvest that convo for memes when I have enough motivation
Naturally he'll do the same, but that's the internet we shitpost in
Alright, who did this
/rel/ is for faggots
Also someone ought to put this in PS and have some fun