Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 492813669458247680
Y'know what
That looks ridiculous.
But credit where credit is due, that probably did take a lot of time and effort.
>wake up
>brain hears alarm
>says this isn't important
>start falling back to sleep
>body says no retard
>yeets me into the side of a metal cot, hard
Good morning I just yote myself across my floor to get to work
I still don't know what yeet means
Great, one of these idiots again
big big cringe
I'll harvest that convo for memes when I have enough motivation
Naturally he'll do the same, but that's the internet we shitpost in
Alright, who did this
/rel/ is for faggots
Imagine the girl being Beth
That eyeing Hispanic in the back, Pilrose
imagine being a gay facebook group pretending to be a chan while not even having a chan and just being a bunch of mexican normies larping as european crusaders and thinking that pope fuckass is going to restore christendom meanwhile the main admins are all orthodox LOL
t. /rel/ic
Also wasn't that Sonnenrad fuckboy a papist
Idk how he was made a mod
Guess he was eastern rite sede
Also, Daniil is a known papist shill who doesn't mind having occultists and witches in his group
Like Jager?
Am I cought? 😦
I don't really know anything about Jager
Is Rugaberg Jager?
Wasn't he the wolf guy that doesn't know Latin for shit
No, Im not german, Im actually Estonian pagang
All I know is that Rome Is Burning doesn't really like him
But hey, atleast im not atheist
would Jagerbombs work as a means of mystically binding oneself to the Holy Spirit?
Mushrooms or other pshychedelics are better, just like greeks did in caves or Moses when he smoked a bush
Lotsa retardation happened here in the last 40 or so minutes