Message from @vhozonian

Discord ID: 618843665292460079

2019-09-04 15:41:35 UTC  

Why cant we just use thot?

2019-09-04 15:42:29 UTC  


2019-09-04 15:43:53 UTC  

Which one are you?

2019-09-04 15:44:17 UTC  


2019-09-04 15:44:23 UTC  


2019-09-04 15:44:40 UTC  

tbh, if Wrath started getting the attention, she'd probably go full e-girl.

Would be like that murdoch murdoch episode.

2019-09-04 15:55:56 UTC  

Implying I don't get that kind of attention @Based Chav

2019-09-04 15:57:08 UTC  

I had a dude admit to fapping to my selfies one time, that was a wild ride

2019-09-04 15:58:18 UTC  

whats murdoch murdoch

2019-09-04 15:58:25 UTC  

also i like shitmales

2019-09-04 15:58:33 UTC  

it implies theyre just tryig to be males

2019-09-04 15:58:37 UTC  

nd being bad at it

2019-09-04 15:58:46 UTC  

and alsp giving attnetion to egrills is ghei

2019-09-04 15:58:54 UTC  

We call it penis envy

2019-09-04 16:04:20 UTC  


2019-09-04 16:08:59 UTC

2019-09-04 16:08:59 UTC  

sounds gay

2019-09-04 16:09:10 UTC  

Why am I getting these ads

2019-09-04 16:09:20 UTC  

the zucc knows something you dont

2019-09-04 16:20:04 UTC  

5G tech is so good it can predict the future now <:eksdee:558283291292336138>

2019-09-04 16:23:47 UTC

2019-09-04 16:24:21 UTC  

<:eksdee:558283291292336138> <:eksdee:558283291292336138> <:eksdee:558283291292336138>

2019-09-04 16:26:03 UTC  

Its true i was there

2019-09-04 16:26:22 UTC  

I was the dinosaur

2019-09-04 16:40:24 UTC  

Absolutely degenerate

2019-09-04 16:42:53 UTC  


2019-09-04 18:11:16 UTC  

Mfw a Lebanese poet went 16 days in jail for memeing about the Theotokos

2019-09-04 18:13:27 UTC  

Atheists may not marry in Lebanon as marriage must be performed in either a Church or a Mosque. Publicly blaspheming God is punishable with a minimum of 1 month up to 1 year of prison time according to article 473 of the Penal Code of Lebanon. The exact wording of the clause is that "blaspheming God publicly" is illegal. In addition, disrespecting Christianity or Islam is punishable by a minimum of 3 years to a maximum of 6 years of jail time according to article 474 of the Penal Code.

2019-09-04 18:13:30 UTC

2019-09-04 18:13:45 UTC  

And Lebanon is 0% atheist

2019-09-04 18:17:17 UTC  

"Marge...are we Jewish..?"

2019-09-04 18:25:57 UTC

2019-09-04 18:28:25 UTC  

Article 534 of the Penal Code, a relic of the French mandate in Lebanon, bans “sexual intercourse contrary to nature.” It has long been used by police to harass, arrest and sometimes prosecute people based on  their presumed sexual orientation or gender identity. People who face multiple forms of oppression in Lebanon – transgender women, for instance, or gay Syrian refugees – are often the most likely to be targeted, say Lebanese activists who provide legal aid and other services.

2019-09-04 18:30:23 UTC  

Sounds based

2019-09-04 18:31:20 UTC  

Wait joey you also follow michaelisokay...?

2019-09-04 18:32:02 UTC  

@Daniil you promised you wouldn't share that!

2019-09-04 18:33:04 UTC  

I follow melonchalywalrus

2019-09-04 18:33:40 UTC  

Michael is nott okay... ✋😔

2019-09-04 19:31:40 UTC  
2019-09-04 19:32:44 UTC  

Look it's Zenit.