Message from @GodFearingEnglishman

Discord ID: 588370197459632138

2019-05-28 06:27:50 UTC  

Also minimise your caffeine intake, it dooesn't do much more than nullify the feeling of tiredness and adds to your confusion.

2019-05-28 06:28:32 UTC  


2019-05-28 06:29:03 UTC  

you say that after ive consumed a shit ton of caffeine

2019-05-28 06:31:40 UTC  

Don't be consuming it after 3pm.

2019-05-28 06:45:47 UTC  


2019-05-28 06:45:48 UTC  


2019-05-28 07:27:42 UTC  

This man speaks the tru tru

2019-05-28 12:55:38 UTC  

Is cocaine okay after 3pm

2019-05-28 12:55:48 UTC  


2019-05-28 12:56:52 UTC  

Crap, I've been doing it wrong

2019-05-28 13:45:32 UTC  


2019-05-29 17:12:50 UTC  

I'm on the road for more than an hour and just got a flash flood alert

2019-05-30 11:32:40 UTC  

My grandma has a swallow study tonight that she really needs to pass to go back to normal food after being tube fed in the hospital. Please pray she passes.

2019-06-04 01:37:07 UTC  

Hey yall, going through a small crisi right now and I just need everyone's prayers that I might find some consolation not lose faith. Thanks

2019-06-06 06:25:24 UTC  

A neigbor of mine just Died, her name is Anna Lucy, she passed in her sleep and did not woke up today, the funeral services have been misatended by the catholic priest they called here, so i request that you keep her in your prayers and charities if it's not too much to bother you, to help her soul in her passing.

2019-06-08 07:56:01 UTC  

Pray for me, I'm sick as a dog and on holiday. Pray I don't lose my temper and sperg out at the in-laws. Lord knows I'm trying my best.

2019-06-10 03:10:19 UTC  

Prayer request for the repose of the soul of Kathleen Canavan, who died in a plane crash this weekend, and for comfort for her family.

2019-06-10 21:38:16 UTC  

I have two interviews this week, one tomorrow and one on Thursday; with the possibility of a third one looking very likely in the next week or so. Would appreciate a quick Glory Be for my success. Cheers lads. 👍

2019-06-11 12:46:09 UTC  

First one went well, lads; I'll keep you posted about Thursday!

2019-06-11 20:45:21 UTC  

Just found out the shitty block they put on my college registration kept me from getting into a class I need, which could end up forcing my graduation back a whole nother year, could use some prayer making it through the waitlist to hopefully someday graduate and get on with my life

2019-06-12 14:13:06 UTC  

Please pray for my re-employment.

2019-06-12 16:12:56 UTC  

Prayers appreciated. I have a job interview tomorrow.

2019-06-12 18:09:48 UTC  

Yall pray for my home state of Illinois

2019-06-15 03:50:21 UTC  

Welp, well, my mother was assaulted by armed men

2019-06-15 03:50:36 UTC  

Pray for her please

2019-06-17 11:57:01 UTC  

Pray for a guy I know, if you please lads; he's just been made homeless. Not really a friend of mine, but I'm certainly not one to revel in people's ruination.

2019-06-19 19:49:50 UTC  

Need all the prayer you guys can muster for my girlfriend's mom. Cancer is getting real bad, reaching the point where their whole home is nearing a point of constant suffering, and I don't know how to comfort any of them any more, I'm falling apart myself and I can't let them see, just pray for strength and peace and healing for all of us please

2019-06-23 17:27:53 UTC  

St. John's eve fire for the UK trad lads tonight. Please pray the weather holds out for us.

2019-06-24 03:00:50 UTC  

Please pray for Abbe Raymond, who will be taking up clericalstate in the practice of tonsure. He will also be traveling to Europe tonight and be there for two days.

2019-06-26 06:00:54 UTC  

Err, strange request but important nonetheless; So, the separated husband of a known family friend has recurred to a literal witch to bother her and this person is actually meddling with evil, to the point where she has made people levitate (horizontally!), please pray for her so she can be free of harm and these forces of evil are not able to reach her

2019-06-26 06:02:53 UTC  

(quick heads up, Saints who are known to have levitated have always done it on a Y plane, in gaze of Heaven and as if heading above, so you can guess who makes people levitate on the X plane)

2019-06-27 09:24:24 UTC  

I asked for your prayers a while ago - I'd been unemployed for a little over a year and was pretty desperate. Now I just got accepted into grad school - I'm doing a PhD (it's funded so I get a salary). Thanks for your prayers <3

2019-06-27 11:59:53 UTC  

Crikey, that's a good deal you've got there. Congratulations, dear fellow!

2019-06-28 04:21:30 UTC  

Thank you!

2019-06-29 00:15:51 UTC  

I could badly use some prayers in regards to housing. My Fiancée and I have applied to several dozen rentals over the last three months, and haven't gotten so much as vague interest from the landlords. We have even more viewings tomorrow and next Saturday, but our hopes are dwindling. I don't want to raise my daughter around my SJW mother any more than I wish to become an Apostate.

2019-06-30 02:30:31 UTC  

Please pray for my sister's conversion.. she came out as transgender last week. Just a Hail Mary would be nice, really thank you.

2019-06-30 11:14:42 UTC  

Please pray for a private intention. One would rather not be too detailed, but your thoughts would be very much appreciated.

2019-06-30 12:35:59 UTC  

Please pray for my husband, he's going to Afghanistan for 9 months today, pray for his safety.

2019-06-30 12:50:20 UTC  


2019-06-30 12:50:51 UTC  

But didnt thé US have peace talks with the Taliban